XXVII. Dream

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Opening my eyes, feeling the tight leather strap on my arms and legs, I began to thrash around as my screams were muffled by the gag on my mouth.

My breath was uneven and unsteady, seeing someone watching me from the corner, it was one of the guards that my father ordered to watch and guard me.

Feeling goosebumps all over my body and the hair on the back of my neck stood up as he slowly approached me, like a predator looking at its prey.

Lust was prominent in his eyes as he hungrily roamed his eyes on my body, lightly running his fingers from my face to my chest.

My breath hitched and my body froze as he slid the strap of my sports bra off, tears streamed down my cheeks, helpless as my arms and legs were rendered useless.

His hands began to sensually move over my chest, fondling with my bosom, looking up at the ceiling as my tears continued to trickle down my cheeks.

As his other hand continued to violate me, hearing something buckled and a cloth hitting the ground.

My eyes widened, realizing what he did, thrashing around as he gripped my breast tightly, groaning in pain as he continued to move his hand.

Hearing him moan, I was disgusted at him and myself for letting him violate me and touch me illegally.

Later on, as I heard him groan he looked at me and smirked, "I'll definitely enjoy having you around here." He whispered in my ear, shutting my eyes hard as he licked my earlobe and nibbled my ear.

"Elisha!" Opening my eyes and gasping for air, I frantically looked around and tears started to trickle down my cheeks.

"No, please. I beg you, no. No more." I said, grabbing my hair and shaking my head.

"Darling." A voice said, looking at him seeing the man's face, my eyes widened and slowly backed away.

"Get away from me. No more, please." I begged, shaking my head and tightly gripped my hair.

"Please, no more. No more. Please." I mumbled.

"Elisha." He said, hearing the man's voice.

"Get away from me. Don't come near me. Don't touch me." I said, hysterically, hearing the man's voice, his groans and moans.

"No, please. No more." I said, shaking my head, hearing rushed footsteps and as the door opened, my eyes widened seeing my father and his subordinates.

"What did you do to her?" A man asked.

"I woke her up, she was having a nightmare and crying in her sleep." He answered.

My eyes widened, looking down as blue veins started to appear, "No, no, no." I said and scratched my arm until it started to bleed.

"Stop her, she's hurting herself." A woman said as I looked up seeing them approach me.

"No!" I shouted, my hair started to float, feeling strong currents on my arms and my eyes changing.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please, no more. I will not fight you. I'll do what you say. Please, no more." I pleaded as tears streamed down my cheeks.

"My love, it's me." A voice in my head said, immediately recognizing who it was.

"Loki." I mumbled.

"Yes, it's me, Loki." He replied as I started to calm down hearing his voice.

"The man. My father." I said.

"I know, my queen. I know. And they will never lay a hand on you, ever again." Hearing him reply in my mind.

"They will get me. My father will find me." I said.

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