XXIX. Story I

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"My love." A voice called.

"Loki." I mumbled, feeling someone hugged me from behind, leaning to him and closing my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" He asked, facing me towards him and wiping my cheeks.

"I don't know." I replied, shaking my head as he hugged me.

Sighing as I looked at him, our eyes met, seeing dark circles under his eyes, "Where have you been?" I asked, softly caressing his cheeks, Loki leaned to my hands and closed his eyes.

"I went to find that bastard who tormented you, my love." He answered as my breath hitched.

"You won't, Loki." I mumbled as he looked at me with confusion, "You won't because I already killed him." I added and looked at him.

Loki hugged me and patted my back, "It's okay, my love." He said.

"I think it's time to let you all know what happened to me." I muttered as I smiled at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

'Having a soulmate is a blessing. Someone who you can rely on and share your problems and burdens.'

Nodding my head, "Yeah." I answered as Loki placed a kiss on my forehead.

"Then I will be by your side, darling." He responded, placing a kiss on my hands.

"Thank you." I said, sincerely to Loki, as he gave me a wide smile and placed a kiss on my lips.

"I will do anything for you, my love. Anything." He said, wiping my cheeks, "Don't cry." He added, and kissing my cheeks.

"You've been kissing me a lot, Loki." I said, giggling at him as he grinned at me.

"I can't seem to get enough of you, my love. Are you perhaps uncomfortable with me kissing you?" He asked as I shook my head.

"Then, I won't stop kissing you every now and then." He said and placed another kiss on my lips.

Giggling at him as he scooped me in his arms, and walked towards the elevator, "I can walk you know." I said as he shook his head.

"I know, my love." He replied and continued his way. Reaching the common room, feeling the eerie silence, looking at Loki as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Jarvis?" I called.

"Yes El?" He asked.

"Can you tell everyone to meet me at the conference room?" I requested.

"Very well." He answered, saying my thanks and looking back at Loki, nodding my head as he walked towards the room.

Standing inside the room hearing rushed footsteps, jolting as the door opened and everyone was breathless, relief was on their faces seeing me.

"Elisha, God. We thought something happened to you." Tony said and approached me.

"I have something to say to you." I said as they all stiffen.

'Let them know who you truly are and know them as well.'

"Please have a seat first. This story of mine will be long." I added as they slowly sat down and looked at me worriedly, smiling at them and nodding my head.

Exhaling a breath as Loki gently squeezed my hands and gave me an assuring smile.

Looking at them with all their attention solely on me. I became nervous, biting my lips and exhaling a breath.

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