XXV. Attempt

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Sliding inside the room, I quickly grabbed a bag as I carelessly stuffed some clothes, cash, and documents inside it.

Jolting as I heard the door open, it was Jackson as he sat on the couch in my room.

"You're leaving?" He asked, staring at the bag with clothes inside it, swallowing a lump in my throat.

"Yes." I replied as he ran his hands on his face.

"Aren't you tired of running away, Elisha?" He asked as my body froze.

Looking at him directly in his eyes, sitting on my bed, "I am, but I have no other choice, J. You know that." I answered as we continued to stare at each other.

Jackson stood up and sat beside me, leaning my head on his shoulder as my tears automatically dripped down my cheeks.

"I am so tired of running away from them. I am so tired of hurting people around me. My soulmates, Mina, and you. All I really wanted is to have a peaceful life with my soulmates, family, and friends. Free from all the pain, from suffering, from any problems." I said as Jackson hugged me.

"I cared for them, J. I love them. I do, to the point that my heart aches whenever I see their faces, whenever I feel how sad they are. They were all running in my mind, every second, minute, and hour. Thinking if they eat at the right time and having enough sleep. If they're okay, if they have any injuries from their missions." I added.

"All I ever thought about was them, J. Them." I continued, "And having this kind of power where any moment I can explode and kill everyone including them, I can't afford to lose them." I said.

"They also can't afford to lose you too." He said, patting my back, "They are your soulmates, Li. They can understand and help you." He added as I shook my head.

"How? Only my father knows what he did to me. Only he can stop this power of mine from going berserk." I said.

"Tony Stark and Bruce Banner are your soulmates. You should have faith in them, Li." He replied as he tightened his hug.

"I can't face them, yet. I can't go back to them. At least not now." I said, shaking my head.

"When? When is the right time that you're talking about, when everything is too late?" He asked as I exhaled a breath.

"I can't forgive myself for what I did to them." I answered, looking at him, Jackson held my face running his thumb on my cheeks wiping my tears.

"You were brainwashed that time, Li. I'm sure they already forgiven you." He said as I averted my eyes away from him.

"I still can't forgive myself for hurting my soulmates." I replied as I stood up and removed some of my clothes from the hanger and placed it inside the bag.

"You're still going?" He asked as I nodded my head, Jackson sighed and stood up, helping me with packing my clothes.

"Thank you." I said as he looked at me, smiling and ruffled my hair.

"I know you long enough, Li. Once you've set your mind on something, no one can ever change it." He replied, earning a chuckle from me.

"Where will you go?" He asked.

"I don't know. Philippines, Italy, Russia, anywhere far from here." I answered as Jackson nodded his head.

"I know someone who lives in Italy. I can contact him to provide you a temporary residence." He said.

"Thank you, J. For everything." I answered, sincerely as he kissed my forehead.

"Anything for you, Li. I'll book the earliest flight, so that you can go right away." He said as I nodded my head and he fetched his phone.

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