V. Justin

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"I'll call you when I'm home." I said to Mina, sliding my helmet on. 

"You should. Be careful, Mika." She said.

Nodding my head, turning the engine on. Gripping the handlebar lightly, waving to Mina, I begin to drive towards reality.

Two weeks had passed, phone turned off, no technology, no soulmate conversations, just resting, relaxing, and spending more time with Mina.

I guess we'll have to cross the bridge when we get there, when I meet them.

Hours later, I arrived at my apartment. Parking my motor at the usual allotted area, turning the ignition off. I begin ascending the stairs, walking around the familiar hallway to my apartment.

Reaching the brown door, unlocking it, placing the keys on the small yellow bowl. Removing my jacket and boots. I sighed and lazily lay on the couch.

Arms over my eyes as I closed them. Patting my pocket, I grabbed my phone and turned it on. My phone begins to vibrate, notifications flooding my screen.

60 missed calls from Lary
79 unread messages from Lary
38 missed calls from Rosie
45 missed calls from Jennie
15 missed call from Justin
28 unread messages from Justin

"They sure missed me." I said and placed my phone on the center table.

Quickly dialing Mina, "I assumed you've arrived." Mina said. 

"Hello to you too." hearing a tsk on the other end, I chuckled at her. "Yeah, minutes ago." I told her.

She hummed, "Okay then. Be careful and take care always, Mika. Love you." She said. 

"You too Mina. Love you too." I replied and bid her goodbye.

I let out a deep sigh as my stomach rumbles. "And I'm hungry." mumbling to myself.

A tsk came out of me and dialed my go-to favorite Thai Restaurant. Changing my clothes into more comfy ones. Minutes later, a knock from my door resonated in my apartment.

Standing immediately, peeking at the peephole, opening the door as it was my ordered food.

"Thank you." I said, receiving the food after paying for it. Closing the door, placing the food on the table. Grabbing some beer on the fridge, turning the TV on, and lazily flicking through the channels.

As I was enjoying the food, my phone vibrated indicating someone was calling.

Looking at the caller, I sighed and answered, "Open the door love." I scoffed at hearing his voice and hung up.

Standing up, opening the door. There stood Justin with his black outfit. Wiggling his eyebrows at me and winks afterwards.

Shaking my head laughing at his antics. "So how's your mini vacation?" He asked, making a bee line to my living room, sitting on the couch eating my food. 

"Relaxing." I replied, joining him.

"Wath Menah?" He asked, mouth full of food. 

A tsk came out of me, "Swallow the food first J." I said glaring at him.

Sticking his tongue out to me, my eyes rolled at what he did. "To answer your question, yes. I was with Mina." I said, "And I met my soulmates." I added.

Justin coughs, quickly grabbing some beer, handing it to him immediately drinking it.

"You meet your soulmates?" He asked and I nod, "And I ran away from them then Lary and I had an argument afterwards." I said, his eyes widened.

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