IX. Danger

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Parking the SUV outside the cabin, running towards it, front door ajar, pushing it open, my eyes scanned everywhere finding any signs of any danger and Mina.

Fear surged inside me seeing the mess in front of me, the small cabin that was once warm and cozy is now chilly and distant. The living room had been violated, broken glass from the window dangerously scattered on the floor, some very little - books thrown around the floor, couches lay upside down, tv was ripped off the wall.

Panicked, I ran to Mina's room. It was a massacre, looking like a battlefield where an exorcism was performed. The cupboards lock-broken, stuff strewn around, clothes torn up, bags and purses thrown round. Knives on the floor which were used to open the locked cupboard.

Roaming my eyes, frantically searching for Mina, hearing a sound behind me, I froze realizing that someone aside from Mina is still in the house. Crouching, slowly peeking at the direction of the noise, seeing no one, I quietly continue, stepping lightly careful not to make any sound.

Where are you Mina?

A hand grabbed me from behind, tightly covering my mouth and nose, and the other hand grabbing my elbow.

Reflex instantly kicks in as I grabbed the pinky and broke it, hearing a crack and a painful scream behind me, sending a great force in stomping on the foot, bending forward from my waist, shifting my weight forward, turning into the attacker hitting my elbow on its face as I continue counterattacking.

Hold now loosen, using the space to turn fully, facing the attacker, a man twice my size standing in front of me as he step closer to me with my dominant hand, flexing my wrist, aiming at his throat jabbing underneath at his chin, jabbing upward at the throat. Pulling my arm back quickly as his head thrust up, staggering backwards.

Running away from him, an arm reached straight out, grasping my arm, pulling me closer and punching me on my face, dodging the next punches, backing away, establishing enough distance between us, turning the thumb side of my grasped hand toward the gap between the man's thumb and forefinger. In one fluid motion, ripping my hand toward my chest by bending at the elbow.

A gap on the wall caught my attention, meeting Mina's eyes, my mind relieved at the thought that she was safe, oblivious to the man's action as he holds a knife, a quick slash on my shoulder, letting out a hiss of pain as I looked at him, furiously.

Sensing his strike comes in, engaging his arm with a cross-block. Pointing both my thumbs down making it harder for the knife to slip through. Keeping one hand high and one low to surround his elbow. As I push forward, preventing him from retracting the knife, collapsing into him, redirecting the knife outside my body. Wrapping my arm around his tightly, immediately pushing him away, scraping down his arm using my armpit.

Bringing my fist to my chest, locking his arm in the process, applying upward pressure on his wrist as he lets go of the knife, kicking his groin hard causing for him to kneel over in pain, placing both my hands on the man's head, stabilizing it, driving my thumbs deeply, and directly into his eyes.

Backing away, letting out a breath, twisting my hips as I raise my knee, driving my rear leg forward, bringing my standing foot to rotate 180 degrees, straightening my leg, extending my knee and hips, swiftly delivering a roundhouse kick to his head, a thud resonated the room seeing the unconscious man laying on the floor.

Breathing heavy as I stand up, quickly approaching the wall, "Are you okay?" I asked Mina, seeing her nod, letting out a sigh of relief, "Back away." I said, ripping the wall just enough for her to come out.

Reaching my hand as she immediately takes it, pulling her out, engulfing her with a hug as my eyes start to water, letting her go an arm away, eyes scanning at her body for any injuries.

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