VII. Uncle Nick

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Quickly entering my apartment, locking my door, closing every window, exhaling a sigh.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Just breath, Elisha. Breath.

My phone vibrates, snapping me from my mantra. Quickly grabbing my phone, I answered it without glancing who the caller was.

"Zuki." A deep baritone voice said.

Only one person calls me Zuki.

"Uncle Nick." I replied.

"I need you to come tomorrow at 8 am sharp." He answered. 

"What's this about Uncle? You know I don't do that kind of stuff." I said.

"It's about Mina." He said, my breath hitched hearing my twin's name. 

"What about her?" I asked sternly. 

"You'll know tomorrow." He replied.

Exhaling a sigh, "Okay." I replied and ended the call.

What do they want from her. Uncle Nick and I did all our best just to hide her from HYDRA.

Shaking my head, I take a shower, throw on some comfortable clothes, and lay on the bed. Staring at the ceiling, I remembered meeting and running away from my soulmates, again.

But how is that possible, I mean how come someone so beautiful and handsome like them became my soulmates.

First, Tony Stark. Tony freaking Stark as to what I've heard from Lego. A genius, playboy, billionaire, philanthropist.

Maybe I'll let him buy me some cars, but damn my man is so handsome. Add to the fact that his goatee made him a hundred more hottie.

Second, the woman with shoulder-length red hair, now I may not know who she is, but damn I'll definitely tap her.

I mean who wouldn't? Girl has some curves in right places, she's fucking hot, that I'm sure I will definitely melt if she's in front of me.

Third the guy who I've met outside of the shop, goodness how come someone be so handsome, his blue eyes, sharp jawline, plump pink lips, warm, gentle voice, his touch sending some erotic thoughts to my mind.

Maybe Justin completely polluted my mind or my mind is already polluted as it is.

And the guy I've met on the race. The way he looked at me, his brown eyes, how our eyes met, happiness and sadness danced in his eyes. Even though I didn't stare long enough at his face, I knew he's handsome as well.

Goodness, I always ran away from them but here I am fantasizing and thinking about them.

I sighed and closed my eyes as I let sleep consumed me.

Driving at the familiar dirt road, stopping outside the metal fence, a guard walked towards me. Letting him see my badge, he let me through as I continued to drive.

Parking my motor, turning off the ignition. Dressed in my all black outfit, I walked inside, making a beeline towards the waiting area, sitting as my legs crossed, eyes observing people as I waited.

Agents are wearing their usual uniforms – a dark blue jumpsuit with recognizable accents. A S.H.I.E.L.D. logo patch on their right shoulder, some black bands on their left arm with a matching black belt, and gun holster, can be seen walking inside.

Some holding files, folders, others talking with their fingers pressing on their ears, and some just casually walking everywhere.

"Elisha." I heard someone called me, turning my head, a smile slowly formed in my lips. 

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