❝𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧❞

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The harsh sound of a voice calling out pierced through the fog of unconsciousness, causing Y/n to slowly open her heavy eyelids, or that was how it felt. As her vision gradually cleared, she found herself strapped to a cold, sterile medical bed in the dimly lit confines of a laboratory. The sterile smell of disinfectants hung heavily in the air, adding to the disorienting atmosphere.

Her gaze settled upon a man standing by her side, his face adorned with a disconcertingly charming smile. "Well, hello, darling," he said, his voice dripping with a strange mix of familiarity and danger. "You're aware again... but whatever you do, don't open your eyes, not yet," he cautioned in a hushed tone. A peculiar warmth caressed her cheek as if an unseen hand was gliding softly over her skin, and she resisted the urge to look.

"Don't open your eyes, if you do, they'll know you're aware. I cannot allow them to force me to kill you faster," he whispered urgently, his grip on her cheek tender yet firm. The contradictory sensations sent shivers down her spine, filling her with a cringe-inducing unease.

As the unsettling silence enveloped the room, the man continued to speak, his words weaving a web of promises and a twisted sense of hope. "I'll get you out of here, and there's only one way to do so," he chuckled, his deep laughter resonating through the sterile air. His confident demeanour seemed to treat their predicament as nothing more than a dark joke.

"Don't worry, Marry," he murmured, addressing her with a name that did not belong to her. "I'll get us out of here, and we'll have so many beautiful offspring together... I promise." His words, though tinged with an eerie affection, carried an underlying sense of possessiveness.

The voice, a figment of her fevered imagination, continued its relentless call, repeatedly chanting her name. "Marry... Marry... Marry... My sweet, sweet Marry," it sang, its tone both haunting and captivating. The man's voice seemed to lull her into a state of deep slumber, wrapping her mind in a deceptive embrace. Little did she know, the impending agony that awaited her would forcefully snap her out of this illusory respite.

Beyond the confines of her physical body, the man released a weary sigh. "Marry, do you think we'll be together forever?" he asked, frustration seeping into his tone. The absence of her response seemed to unnerve him. "They're away now! Answer me!" he demanded, but only silence answered his pleas, further fuelling his mounting despair.

As Y/n remained silent, a searing pain suddenly tore through her chest, causing her to convulse uncontrollably. It felt as if a thousand needles were piercing her flesh from within, sending waves of torment coursing through her body. The imagined presence of the man, now indistinguishable from the virus within her, seemed to revel in her suffering.

Amidst her agonizing struggle, an urgent alarm blared through the laboratory, jolting the surrounding medical staff into action. A flurry of white-coated figures descended upon Y/n, their faces etched with a mix of urgency and determination. With practised precision, they immobilized her writhing form, securing her restraints with a firmness born out of necessity.

The sterile room became a battleground, with the air thick with a sense of urgency. Syringes were hastily filled with a life-saving antidote, their contents glinting under the sterile lights. The medical team, their expressions a mix of worry and unwavering resolve, worked swiftly to administer the vital countermeasure.

Their hands moved in a synchronized ballet, ensuring every drop of the antidote found its way into Y/n's trembling body. The viscous liquid flowed through her veins, fighting against the relentless invasion of the malevolent virus. It was a race against time, a desperate bid to save a life teetering on the edge of the abyss.

But even in the face of this temporary setback, the laboratory workers refused to accept defeat. They knew the virus had the potential to wreak havoc, to claim innocent lives. They would not rest until they found a solution, until they triumphed over this unseen enemy lurking within their captive patient.

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now