❝𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐋𝐚𝐛❞

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... As the echoes of his anguished cries faded, William's body sagged against the wall, drained from the intensity of his emotions. He wiped away the tears that streaked his face, feeling a mixture of exhaustion and determination wash over him.

Gathering his scattered thoughts, William's mind began to clear, and a flicker of clarity emerged from the depths of his turmoil. He couldn't let himself be consumed by despair and anger. He had to find a way to channel his emotions into action, to search for answers and bring his beloved partner back.

With a deep breath, he pushed himself up from the floor, his legs feeling weak and unsteady beneath him. He steadied himself against his desk, his fingers gripping the edge for support. Determination burned within him, fuelling his resolve to uncover the truth.

The memories of those who harboured ill intentions towards Y/n flooded his mind. He recalled Violet's mother, a woman with a vindictive streak and a deep-rooted hatred for their relationship. The anger welled up inside him once more, fuelling his determination to confront her and extract any information she might possess.

Determined to gather support, he reached for his phone and dialled a familiar number. The voice on the other end answered, and William wasted no time in explaining the urgency of the situation. "Hello? Who is this?"

"It's Willy. Willy Wonka," he replied, his voice laced with urgency. "I need your help. It's about... my fiancé, you've met her already, Y/n." he went quiet, listening for the woman to answer, "Indeed, I remember her, I've spoken to her more than I've spoken to you in the last 20 years." 

Willy gulped, "She's been taken, and I don't know what to do."

There was a brief pause on the other end, and he could almost sense the gears turning in the person's mind. "Willy, it's been years. I thought you disappeared from my life completely." the woman said, "What's changed that you require my help now?" she asked. 

"Listen here, you... you bloody witch!" the voice from the other side cackled, "Indeed, indeed, you flatter me William, now tell me... What's happened to Y/n?"

His heart skipped a beat as he recalled the woman's name, the one he had met during his travels in search of new candy flavours. A woman who had seemed eccentric, but little did he know that she was deeply entwined in a secretive cult that specialized in dark rituals and arcane knowledge.

"I know this might sound strange, but I require your expertise," William explained, his voice pleading. "You see, the person behind Y/n's disappearance, I believe they have connections to... them," he said, to which the woman went silent again. 

"I don't like where this is going, William," the woman's hesitance was evident in her voice, however, Willy persisted and continued to speak, "I remember you mentioning your involvement with such groups during our encounters," the woman scoffed, "William Wilbur Wonka, I do not have any connections to them any more." 

Silence hung in the air, the weight of her words sinking in. He wondered if he had gone too far, if he had crossed a line that he couldn't come back from. But then, he heard a sigh, filled with a mixture of resignation and determination.

"I do have one connection, and it is that of my sister, Margaret. I am familiar with these people, their goals, and their hidden secrets," the woman confessed. 

"I can help you, but you must promise me that you'll be careful. These are dangerous waters you're diving into."

William nodded, even though she couldn't see him. "I promise that I'll keep myself safe, but you know that the end goal is to keep Y/n safe first and foremost."

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now