❝𝐄𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭❞

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My eyes shot wide open, a scream following right behind. It felt like my throat was being torn apart, the immense pain I felt as my vocal cords struggled to produce noise, just to marginalize how bad my pain was, I felt my body twitch and twist in all unnatural ways screams which followed were heard only by the walls surrounding me as I felt something hot seeping down my skin. I was in such pain, I almost didn't notice I was being carved alive...

... "Good morning, starshine..." The man said, and I felt my eyes widen even more, if they even possibly could, the sight before me, it was painful to see. "... The Earth says..."

"... Hello."

"No... No. No! NO! NOOOOO!!!" screams filled the room again, the pain returning even stronger as I felt a burn in my skin. "Marked..." He chuckled, "Marked by the number... 6... 6... 6..." The man smirked, "Angelic number, the number of the beast, the number of angel above angels." 

He cackled heavily, I only then noticed my shoulder had the number of the beast, as he said... My blood ran cold as I realized what must be happening... I was being prepared for something...

"... Now, your blood shall be enough of a sacrifice. I'll finish the rest with you still alive, Starshine." He called me the name, I growled, finally breaking through the fear of being tormented, the thought of what they did to William... what they did to the little girl. 

"YOU. DO. NOT. GET. TO. CALL. ME... STARSHINE!!!" I shouted at the man, and he watched in what seemed like delight as my body struggled continuously against the restraints on my wrists and ankles.

"That's it, Starshine... Struggle, the pain in your eyes means nothing to me. I'll be the reason you scream, your blissful screams make me so endeared, you'll end my loneliness, little star--" I cut him off. 

"Oh no you don't, you think you'll get away with this?! I'll get out of this! I'll get out of here!" I screamed at him.

I could feel a sudden headache, the pain was almost unbearable, I could feel my throat clenching and closing, causing me to gasp for air. 

I couldn't feel my lungs for a moment, before I felt the pain suddenly cease, but not completely. I felt tears well in my eyes, the fingers of the man went to touch me, but just like a ghost, his fingers passed through me.

I was frozen in shock, even the headache felt like nothing, "Ah... Yes, I cannot touch you... Not like this." He mumbled. My body went to struggle, but the sudden slashing pain appeared in my limbs, as if someone had sliced through them on command. "Don't struggle, if you want the pain to stop." He said. His expression was almost unreadable.

"Truth be told... You're quite a remarkable person... Y/n. Almost too bad I cannot bring myself to end you... At the very least... Not yet. They... They will not allow it. They're keeping me a prisoner, just like you're being restrained..."

The way he looked deep into my eyes... His eyes... Empty eyes... A sudden surge of pain made me scream my lungs off again, tears at the edge of falling, whilst the pain in my head suddenly throbbed, the sheer agony made me scream again. "I'm sorry... starshine. I cannot keep away, I cannot hold back. Such beauty..." the man suddenly went quiet, and the pain seemed to stop, even for a moment...

... before I felt my whole body being electrocuted, I felt myself screaming almost non-stop from the pain of the electricity surging through my body. The man screamed suddenly, making me almost instantly forget my pain, but only for a moment, as the pain seemed to surge through both of our bodies. "AAAAAARRRRGH!!!" The man cried in agony along-side me. "They're forcing me to do this to you! I do not want to!" he shouted, "I want to keep you alive!" he cried out in agony as the pain got stronger. 

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now