❝𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦'𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧❞

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Awakening... it was warm, I didn't feel like opening my eyes at all... at the very least, what I felt was beautiful, it was as if I was in a strange dream... 

I could see something... no. It was someone. I got up, almost in an instant, turning around to where the person was standing. Seeing them, I saw a face... 

"William...?" I could feel myself wishing to say, and I did... but for some reason, when he took his hat off, his hair was... shorter? Something about this man didn't feel right. I could see a beard and moustache on his face, he looked... strange.

"Starshine...?" I felt strange goosebumps on my arms, looking down, however, was a wrong idea. Suddenly, I found myself falling through the ground down... "AAAAAA!!! WILLIAM!!!" screaming in my dream, I was falling deeper and deeper, the darkness wasn't ending. At one point, the fear left me, and I felt it... I was no longer falling... I was floating...? "What is this..." I mumbled to myself... Before seeing a strange, white light. Small little floating sign of life. "Y/n... follow me." said the light. 

And I followed it, almost swimming in the darkness, which felt like a void. "Come, I must show you what's about to happen to you... and... William." the sound of what the little light said made me swim faster towards where the light was going to. Suddenly, the void began to change colours and I found myself standing on the same grass which I had been laying on moments ago... "I was already here..." I mumbled to the little light. "I know. I was there..." said the light. 

"Look here..." it flew over, and I could see a little child... the little girl... I frowned... "It's the little girl...?" I looked at the light. "The little girl... there's something you think is wrong about her... You know it... Y/n... but I am here to tell you that this is not the case..." the light said. Looking at it, I could see the little girl was holding a flower, and she walked to me, "Here you are..." she said quietly, and I couldn't help but kneel down. Taking the flower, and just like that... it grew into a beautiful flower crown.

The little girl walked up to me, and took the flower crown from my head, my legs were kindly nestled on the ground, as the little girl placed the crown upon my head. "Mummy... when will daddy be back?" she asked me, and as if I knew... I looked at the light. "This is all a dream, is it not?" I asked it, and the light seemed quiet for a while, before it said, "You're dreaming, yes, but as long as you're pretending you are not aware of it... they will not try to wake you up, my little girl." 

"But... what am I to do here...? What is happening around me? What's wrong with me? Why am I asleep? Am I in a coma?" I pestered the light with questions, and it seemed to only go silent once I asked so many questions at once. "I am a little bug in your ear which they had placed, however, their programming was wrong, so, perhaps, it is time you realize... You're dreaming all of this, because when you wake up... you'll be in a place you will wish to never wake up in again..."

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now