❝𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞❞

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Morning came, and Y/n woke from her slumber, stretching her tired body, the woman sat still for a moment, looking around to see the semi, transparent curtains blocking the light,  'Quiet...' she thought, before getting up, she walked over into the darkness, carefully, making her way to the room in which the little girl laid. 

Smiling as she saw the little girl was fast asleep, or so she thought, "Morning..." she heard a quiet little voice say, "Oh, good morning sweetie." Y/n said quietly, "Why are you awake so early?" asked Y/n, the little girl sat up, "I've been hungry... and thirsty..." she mumbled, and Y/n, with her instinct picked the little one up, "Come then, let's get you some tasty grub to eat." 

Y/n, dressed in her sleep gown, carried the little girl in her arms, the little girl was about six years old, but she still carried her on her hip, she was quite light for a six-year-old. 

As she made her way along the dark marble hallways, the windows which let in that little light at six in the morning, made all the difference. 

Y/n yawned, soon followed by the little girl in her arms, she laid her head upon Y/n's shoulder, and Y/n gently held the girl closer, that was, until she felt a hand land upon her shoulder, a soft gasp escaping her lips. 

"Allow me to take her." sounded the familiar voice of Willy, a soft smile spread across his face as he took the girl into his arms, having her nuzzle into him. 

Y/n smiled, as the three of them made their way to the kitchen. The morning had a beautiful feeling, Y/n held onto Willy's shirt, as a kind of way of sticking together, in the mansion, which was built into the factory, Y/n couldn't help but feel... lost. 

Everything she had been living for, everything she knew in her small home, she and Willy didn't need all these riches, and yet now... when Willy had chosen Charlie as an heir to the factory business, Y/n couldn't piece together why he did not leave the business and allow them to leave this place. Why was it so important that Willy stays in this place... 

However, her train of thought was broken by a soft 'ahem'. Y/n snapped out of it and opened the door to the kitchen. 

Willy placed the girl onto the couch, as the cooking session began, since Willy had some sort of culinary skills, Y/n had a hard time believing this too, she saw him cook back when she was working for him, and the memories were quite the fond ones, she adored them. 

She made her way over, thinking to herself to help him, when all of a sudden, he raised his hand, "No. You go look after the girl, I'll do the cooking part." he said, before placing a soft peck upon Y/n's lips. 

She couldn't help but sadly look at him, "Go on then, I won't take too long, I'll make you something tasty." he said. 

Y/n nodded, "Alright, Willy." 

She said and walked over to the couch, before lying down and laying the girl upon her chest, the two of them covered themselves with a blanket and fell back asleep, one thing which Willy adored, even though they had never seen the little girl before, she seemed... oddly familiar. 

The two of them couldn't place their finger on it, but Willy especially had a feeling that he knew the girl. 

Something about her seemed strange, yet so close to home. Whilst cooking the food, he couldn't help but glance at the two now and again. 

The early morning sun rays peeped through the window of the cosy kitchen, casting a warm glow on the countertop where the man stood. 

His tall, broad-shouldered figure was hunched over the stove, deftly stirring the contents of a small pot. He hummed a tune softly to himself, enjoying the peace of the morning before the hustle and bustle of the day began.

My Lost Starshine (Willy Wonka x Reader)(2005)Where stories live. Discover now