Thirty Seven

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Luke's POV

No one has really left Ashton's sight all week. It's been about two weeks since Ashton fell in the coma. The only time he moved was last week when we first saw him. Maybe he sensed that we were there or something. Arwen and Anne-Marie haven't left the hospital all week. Michael would come in every now and then to see him; only if Olivia wasn't there of course. Ashton hasn't been showing any signs of waking up any time soon.

"Are you ready?" My mom asked from the porch of my childhood house.

Lauren and I both nodded and took a last look at where we had been living for seven months. We enveloped my mom in a group hug and she began to get emotional. The moving guys crammed in the rest of the boxes into the moving truck.

"Lets go"

We waved to my mom as we slowly began to drive off to our new home.

My hand rested on Lauren's thigh as I drove with one hand (living the thug life). I hummed along to the barely audible music that was playing. I skipped a couple of the songs until I got to 'Track number 7' - our song (Boulevard of broken dreams). I turned up the volume and a slight smirk creeped up on the corner of my mouth as Lauren started to giggle.

We followed the truck until we pulled up to a tall apartment building. Lauren gasped at the sight.

"What?" I chuckled.

"Josie, Conner and baby Tay live here!" She squealed, bouncing up and down in her seat.

My hand instantly intertwined itself with Lauren's as we got out of the car. We swung our hands up and down as we walked through the parking lot.

"I'm so excited" she loudly whispered.

"Me too" I agreed, pulling her hand up to my lips and kissing her knuckles.

We entered the building. I pressed the button for the elevator. It dinged as we entered it. We walked, still hand in hand, into the empty lift. The doors shut.

"I wonder if we're near to Josie and that lot. I hope we are. That would be so cool" Lauren squealed.

"I don't want to be hearing a baby screaming all the time though. Don't get me wrong, I really love kids but when they cry I just can't handle it" I chuckled.

"Wait a second Mr Lucas Hemmings" she said, attempting a serious face and poking my chest playfully. "There will not be any little babies for the moment. I'm not ready to be a mother" she giggled, failing to look at me with a straight face.

"I like it when you call me Mr. Say it again" I snickered, letting my hands fall to her waist.

"Your such an idiot" she giggled.

"You know you love me Trouble" I laughed, poking her sides as I kissed her neck.

"I love my Mr Lucas Hemmings" she giggled.

I lifted her up against the wall, passionately kissing her neck. Her legs tangled themselves around my back. We both giggled as I said "say it again"

"Shutup" she giggled, biting her lip and untangling herself from my grip.

The elevator dinged again and the doors opened. We walked casually through the hallways as if nothing had happened.

"Here we are, number 5b" I said, reaching for my key and pushing it into the lock. The door opened and we saw a pitch black room. Lauren flicked on the lights and we entered our new home.

We were faced with a narrow hallway with 4 doors coming off of it. I opened the first door on the left to an averaged sized kitchen. It looked modern and shiny. A small island was in the middle with two bar stalls.

"Ooh this is nice" Lauren said, stepping into the room and placing her handbag in the table.

"Mmm" I agreed "I love it"

"Lets look at the rest!" She squealed. She grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the door. So far, I'm loving this apartment.

We proceeded to the first door on the right. I flicked on the switch and we were presented with a large sitting room. A glass door came off of it to a balcony.

"Damn!" I said, looking out the door "we're high up!"

"Holy shit!" Lauren agreed. It really was high up.

We opened the second door on the left and were presented with a small bathroom with a toilet, shower, sink and a mirror.

And finally the last room on the right. I opened it, leading Lauren along with me, hand in hand. A completely plain room appeared.

"I think this room needs a bed" I said, wiggling my eyebrows and smirking.

"Shut up you" she said, playfully punching my arm.

"Feisty!" I laughed, biting my lip where my lip ring sat.

"The moving truck people are probably bringing up our stuff now" she giggled, trying to ignore my comment.

"Good. Because when we get the bed in here imma fuck you right in the pussy" I snickered, trying to act casual.

She looked at me with a blank expression. Soon enough, a slight smirk creeped on to the side of her lips.

"You won't be doing anything without a condom Mr Hemmings" she said, crossing her arms over her chest and pressing her boobs together so they looked even bigger.

I felt blood rush to my dick.

"Call me that again"


Ashton's POV

This is also what is happening in Ashton's head whilst he's in the coma.
This time this is reality. This actually happened irl!

I shut my door and placed my hands over my ears. The sound wouldn't go. The constant bickering and shouting went on and on throughout the night. I heard a loud smash and my dad shout "FINE!". The last thing I heard was an almighty slam of the door. I'm pretty sure the house shook a bit. The entire house fell silent. All the shouting had stopped. I could finally relax.

I could only hear parts of what they were shouting about. Something about an 'affair' and something about 'England'. The rest I tried to stop myself from hearing.

I knew that my dad had left. He's left before but he came back the next day. Something was telling me that he wasn't coming back for a long time.

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