Forty Three

852 26 7

Ashton's POV

"Ashton?" a nurse asked. I looked around at my surroundings and noticed that I was in a hospital bed. At first, I began to freak out and pull the wires from my head and arms.

"Ashton calm down. You had a nasty fall. Your okay now though. I'm going to ask you some questions"

I nodded and tried to relaxed myself on the bed again. What the hell happened to me? What was I doing in a hospital? I looked around the room blankly at the people surrounding me.

"Can you tell me your full name?"

"Ash-" I said in a croaky, unused voice. I cleared my throat and started again. "Ashton Fletcher Irwin"

"Good. Whats your date of birth?"

"November 18th" I said. I didn't understand what the hell was going on. How the hell did I get here? Why was I being asked these questions? The last thing I remember is sitting in the canteen eating lunch at school.

"Can you tell me your age?"

"S-sixteen" I said.

"Okay... can you tell me who is around the room?" She asked, a bit nervously.

I stared around the room. My mum, my dad" I said, pointing at them. "My girlfriend, Arwen. Grandma and Grandpa". I recognised them first.

I paused for a second and let my eyes travel around the room.

I recognised the faces of some more people. "My school mates, Michael, Luke, Calum, Olivia and Grace. And err..." I said staring at the girl with blue hair.

"Laura?... no Lauren? You're the new girl at our school. You're the one that Luke has a crush on, right?" I said a bit unsurely. The girl slightly nodded.

"Liz, Luke's mom" I said, pointing at her. Mine and Luke's families are close to each other so it only made sense for Liz to be here.

"And in the nicest way possible I have no clue who you three are" I said, looking at a couple with a cute baby.

"Do you remember how you got here?"

"Not at all"

"Okay thank you Ashton" she turned around to look at the 15 people around the room. I over heard her say "as you can probably tell Ashton's woken up with amnesia. The memories come back eventually. We are going to have to keep Ashton in for another few days for blood tests and that kind of thing. I'll leave you to talk to him now" she said quietly.

The nurse left and the group of people approached me.

"Ashton oh my god I can't tell you how sorry I am!" Michael panicked.

"What for?" I asked. The room fell silent. "Please can I have some answers?"

"Ashton, you got in a fight and hit your head. You've been in a coma for about a month now. Today is you're 18th birthday" my mom said calmly. I looked around the room and noticed balloons with 18 written on them and a pile of presents.

18?! I thought I was sixteen! I've forgotten almost two full years of my life. What the fuck?!?!

"E-eighteen?... today?..." I stuttered. Many heads around the room nodded. My gaze fell in the couple with the baby. "Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude but who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Conner" the tall blonde guy said. "This is Josie and Taylor" he said, gesturing his hands to the other two. I had no clue who they were.

"Ash I missed you so much" Arwen sobbed on my shoulder. I had only been going out with her for a week in my head. It was probably more like 2 years in real life. I rubbed the girl who I barely knew's back. I must have had a lot of history with Arwen. I've forgotten it all.

I noticed that Luke had his arm around Lauren. "You two dating?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows.

They looked at each other "engaged" Luke said.

"Wow, I really have missed a lot" I chuckled.

Suddenly, three or four police officers entered the already full room. "Luke Hemmings come with us" one of them said.

"What's happened?" Lauren and Liz asked in unison. Luke's head fell to look at the ground. Police officers started to pull him out of the room.

"Don't worry about me, stay with Ashton" he said, as he was pulled out of the room.

"What was that all about?" Calum asked. Liz ran out of the room after Luke, followed by Lauren.

"I'm sure it's nothing. He's always being arrested" Grace said.

My grandma and grandpa stood up "it was lovely to see you darling" my grandma said "I made you a cake. Make sure that when you're out of the hospital you come visit us. We'll let you catch up with your friends. Happy birthday."

"We'll be right back as well honey" my mum said, standing up with my dad. I thought that my parents got divorced. I thought that my dad moved to Canada. Are they back together? I hope so.

They left the room.

"So, fill me in on whats been happening recently" I said eagerly.

"Well... Mickey and Olivia are going out. Grace and I are going out. Luke and Lauren are engaged. We left school nearly a year ago. You're 18. I'm 18. Luke's 18. Lauren's 18. Mickey's 18. We made friends with Josie and Conner because of Lauren. Josie got pregnant and had baby Tay. Luke and Lauren live in their own apartment next to Josie, Tay and Conner. Luke got in a fight with a new kid called Ed who is a total twat and they both got arrested. No one knows where Ed is anymore. And... your parents are back together. Thats about it" Calum said nonchalantly.

"What? My parents are back together!!!" I screamed.

"Yep" Calum said.

Oh my fucking god!!! I always wished that they would get back together. I remember as a kid, sitting on my porch every night just praying for my dad to come home. This was a miracle.

"Oh and there is one more thing you forgot" Josie said. "Conner and I are dating".


(Stop reading over my shoulder you dirty dirty whore. Fuck off. Whore.)

Sorry about the swearing. My best friend was reding over my shoulder when I was writing this on my bus.

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