Forty Four

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Ed's POV

I'm being allowed to spend a week back in my old neighbourhood. I'll finally be able to see everyone and tell them how sorry I am. The first person I'm going to is Josie. I actually care a lot about Josie. I kinda have a crush on her. I know she would never take me back after what I did. But what I did was out of my frustration. I didn't mean anything I said or did. I'm not sure if she'll accept my apology though.

I just got off the plain. I'm now in sidney again. Finally free again - for a week. Then back to the same fucking rehab centre in London.

Luke's POV

I don't understand how I even got a job with his criminal record. Lauren didn't get a job and the only time that she's ever been arrested was destruction of property at her old school. (She spray painted all the walls in her old school bright green).

Today was the day of the flight to Paris. It was finally time to jet off for Lauren's main birthday present.

"I have no idea where my passport is!!" I panicked, as I ran around our apartment on the morning of the flight.

"Have you even had it here?" She asked, standing at the doorway with her own passport in her hand.

"No, it might still be at mom's house"

"Lets go then"

I drove us in my beautiful car down to Mom's house. I have a feeling that Lauren is really jealous of my car but she hasn't passed her driving test yet so I can't exactly let her drive it.


"Found it!" Liz yelled down the stairs. She skipped down and gave us a hug goodbye.

"Oh, and mom" I started. "I'm skint, do you have any cash?"

"What help do you think dollars are going to do in France? You'll need Euros"

"I'll put the dollars in one of those currency changing machine thingies" I rambled "c'mon, we're already late for our flight"

"Fine, but pay me back once you get the money"

"I will!" I called as we ran to my car with Lauren right beside me.


We soon arrived at Sidney airport. We sat in the waiting area for our flight, digging into our sandwiches. Just as Lauren took her first, humungous bite out of it, I chuckled extremely loudly.

"What?" She asked with a mouthful of food.

"You look like a chipmunk" I giggled, pulling her closer with my arm around her shoulder. She quickly swallowed her mouthful and punched my shoulder. "But you're a beautiful chipmunk". I added, pulling her even closer so that she was basically sitting on my lap.

"Mr Hemmings, have I ever told you how much I love you" she chuckled.

"Yes, I know how much you love me but it's not as much as I love you" I chuckled, kissing up her neck, closer and closer to her lips.

"You're wrong Mr Hemmings"

"What's with all of this Mr Hemmings crap? Stop trying to turn me on. There will be time for that once we land" I chuckled "but anyway, soon I'll be able to call you Mrs Hemmings"

"When should that 'soon' be? When are we going to start planning and actually getting married?" She moaned.

"I promise once we get off the holiday we'll get a wedding planner and start planning"

"Thank you" she said, kissing my lips. We both smiled into every kiss. This then lead to a make out session. As always.

The airport had massive windows covering one of the walls. Through the windows was a car park. A bus drove into the car park and many people came out. I ignored it and put my full attention back on Lauren. I peaked open my eye again and saw someone/something I didn't want to. I quickly pulled away from Lauren and stood up, staring out of the windows. My arms tensed up and I began to feel angry. The same kind of fury that I felt when Ed was around.

"What's the matter?" Lauren, asked, standing up beside me and staring out of the window.

The ginger head I saw before was now out of sight. "Nothing, I just thought I saw something"

"What did you think you saw?"

"Don't worry, I don't wanna spoil your holiday"


Lauren slept for most of the flight. Whilst she did I continuously let a tornado of thoughts whirl around my head. What the hell was Ed doing back in Sidney? Was I imagining it? I suddenly feel extremely protective of everyone back at home in Sidney. Ed could be there as well. I might have to warn them. But it could have all been my imagination. I would have thought that Ed would be away for much longer. If he does anything to anyone at home I will literally kill him. I would have killed him before but the police got there to quick. I'm not a murderer. I just hate Ed so fucking much. Maybe I should tell Lauren what I saw and ask for her opinion in what I should do. I think as soon as we land in Paris, I'll have to call someone. Michael. Michael can do a lot of damage. I know that from what he did to Ash. Ash is alright now. He's back at home but his memories are still vague. I've noticed that he's been acting very strange since he left the hospital. I went to his house to check up on him and he was there, sitting in the corner of his room, facing the wall, in pitch black darkness. I asked him if he was okay but he stayed silent. I ended up having to pull him off the ground and shake him out of his thoughts. It took a while for him to start talking again. All he said was that he can't remember anything, over and over again. It was almost like a whisper. It was as if he was talking to himself. He just stared into the wall like he didn't know I was there. It was quite scary for me. Ashton's not how he used to be. Ashton's changed.

Lauren moaned and turned on he side to face me, forcing me out of my thoughts.

"You alright babe?" I asked, rubbing her back. "I think we're almost there"

"Really? Oh my god I'm so excited" she said, sitting up and yawning. "What have you been doing this whole flight then?"


"'bout what?"

"Umm... Lauren, can I tell you something?" I asked. A look of fear rose in her eyes. She sat up more and crossed he legs in her seat.

"Tell me"

"Basically, you know when we were in the airport and I freaked out because I thought I saw something?" She nodded. "I-I might have imagined it but I thought I saw Ed"

She looked down and fiddled with her fingers in confusion "What are we going to do? What about Josie? Oh my god. We have to tell Josie. I don't want her to get hurt."

"I know, I'm calling Michael as soon as we get off the plane. I promise that Josie will be fine"

"Okay" she said, relaxing again.

"I love you babe, just relax and don't think about it. Lets have a good holiday. Everyone back home will be fine. You know what Michael's like. He'll beat the living shit out of Ed of he goes anywhere near anyone. I promise everything will be okay" I said, rubbing her back how she likes it.

"I love you Luke"

"I love you too"


Josie's POV

I'm so happy that Conner and I are finally boyfriend and girlfriend. He treats Tay like his own daughter, since Tay doesn't have a dad. I've tried to forget about Ed. but every tome I see Tay's ginger curls it reminds me of him. I've told Conner about Ed but in little description. I don't like talking about him.

Three quiet nocks came from the front door. "I'll get it!" Conner sang as he jogged to the door.

I heard voices from the door.

"Hey, umm... is Josie in?" The mysterious voice from the other side of the door said.

"Josie!" Conner called. I quickly got up and went to see who this person could be - Oh shit.


Thanks for reading!!! Sorry this update was a bit late. Hopefully updating again on thursday. Make sure you read it. ED IS BACK - AGAIN! Don't worry, he won't be back for long.


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