Forty Two

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Luke's POV

I leaped out of bed when my alarm went off. Today was my first day at work. I wanted to make a good impression on myself. Back at school I didn't care about what people thought of me. They all thought I was an outcast car crash and a hopeless fool. I was a reject. Now I feel like this is my life and I have to do this well.

I threw on my red target employee shirt and some black skinny jeans. I gave my fiancé a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving for my first day at work.

Lauren's POV

I woke up ,unemployed, at 8am as my fiancé kissed my forehead when he left for work. Today is Ashton's 18th birthday. I checked my notifications and saw three messages from...

Ashton mobile:
'Hey Lauren. it's Arwen. I put in ur new number into Ashton's phone for u. Will u be visiting today? Xx'

My heart sank when I realised it was from Arwen. I wanted it to be from Ashton. I knew it wasn't exactly possible though.

To Ashton Mobile:
'Of course. we'll be round when Luke gets back from work so about 1pm xx'


I walked the short distance to Josie and Conner's flat just down the hall from us. Conner greeted me in and showed me around his home, identical to ours.

"Josie is coming home from therapy any time now" Conner said, trying to stop Tay from crying.

"Here, let me" I said, holding out my hands for Tay. Conner passed me her and I cradled her in my arms like a mother. As soon as she came into my arms the crying decreased and she fell asleep.

"Wow" Conner said with wide eyes. "How did you...?"

"It come naturally to every woman I guess" I giggled, still looking at Conner's gobsmacked face.

Maybe having a baby wouldn't be that bad. Maybe I am ready for a child.


"Lauren!?! Lauren!?!" Arwen panicked from down the phone.

"Yeah - is everything ok?-"

"You need to get to the hospital now! Ashton's showing signs of waking up!"

"Really?!?! I'll call Luke and be right over!"

I hung up the phone and scrolled through my contacts in search for my fiancé.

"Luke! I know this is bad timing but you need to come to the hospital right now! They think Ashton's going to wake up!" I rambled. My shaky hands tightly held on to the phone as I waited for Luke's reply.

"W-what am I supposed to say to my boss? I don't know if he'll let me just leave! Oh shit. Oh my god"

"Luke calm down. He'll understand just tell him what happened and if he doesn't let you leave then just leave any way"

"Okay. Meet you there"

We hung up and I realised I didn't have a car to get to the hospital in.

"Conner can you drive me to the hospital?"

"Of course"


Josie, Conner, Taylor and I sped towards the hospital. I didn't want to miss Ashton waking up. Thankfully, the hospital Ashton was in was only 10 minutes away. Luke had a bit further to go. I kept texting Arwen to make sure that I hadn't missed Ashton's awakening.

To Arwen Mobile:
'We're almost there. Luke might take a bit longer because he has to drive from central sydney. How's Ash? Xx'

From Arwen mobile:
'He's waking up very soon! He's moving and coughing'


Luke's POV

I ran upstairs to my boss's office.

"Err Mr Brown?" I asked knocking on the door. "I have to be somewhere"

"Yeah, downstairs helping customers" he said harshly.

"No, sorry this is bad timing it's just that my best friend is in a coma and he's waking up like right now and I really have to be there" I rambled.

He sat at his desk for a minute, looking up at the teenager he had just employed. I could tell he was contemplating something in his mind. "Okay, go" he said. I ran out the door. "And good luck!" I heard him call as I leaped back down the stairs.

"Hey, Luke! Where you going?" Shouted Chris from the checkout point.

"See you tomorrow!" I called as I ran out the doors. I jumped into my roofless car without opening the door like a badass before speeding off down the busy road. Central Sydney is a nightmare for traffic. I found my self stuck behind red lights. Fucking perfect. I had been sitting, staring at the stationary red light for minutes. I couldn't take it any more. I had to see Ashton. I ditched the red lights and sped past all the still cars. Who cares if I got fined? I have a reason.

Many people shouted at me from their cars as I sped past them down the highway. I was speeding and I went past multiple red lights. I'm going to be skint from all the fucking fines I'm going to get.

I was almost at the hospital. It would only take me a few minutes to get there. Then the dreaded blue and red flashing lights appeared behind me. The irritating siren screamed in my ears. "Stop the vehicle!" Shouted an officer through a megaphone.

I was just a few minutes away. I had to get there. This fucking officer wasn't going to stop me.

I carried on driving.

Soon enough, the hospital was in sight. Another couple of police cars followed me. I ditched my car in the middle of the busy car park and ran for it.

I dashed through the hospital in search for Ashton's room. I finally remembered where it was. I ran away from the officers that were now gathered in he foyer and towards his room.

The door was wide open. I leaped into the room. Ashton lied in his bed - eyes still closed.

"Luke you made it!" Lauren screamed, swinging her arms over my shoulders and hugging me tightly.

The room was filled with Anne-Marie, David, Michael, Olivia, Calum, Grace, Lauren, Arwen, my mom, Josie, Conner, Taylor, Ashton's grandparents, a few nurses and I staring at Ashton in anticipation.

Ashton sniffed a couple of times and wiped his eyes. He coughed multiple times and his croaky voice finally whimpered out "Mom? Dad? Arwen?"

He was awake.


I've just realised that there isn't much of a main story line in this book. Something good has to happen. Do you like this book so far anyway? I just write as I go so sorry if my writing is crap.

Trouble//LhWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt