Forty Seven

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Lauren's POV

"I'm so jet lagged!" I moaned from the hotel bed. Luke was having a piss in the bathroom with the door wide open. (Just thought I'd add that in).

"Well you better get up soon because I've planned to do something today" he called. "Lets go downstairs and have breakfast together like a cute couple, yeah?"

"Mmmmkay" I moaned into the pillow.


Luke pulled me down the winding staircase and towards the food bit. He seemed really eager to go out somewhere. I saw the pancakes on the display and instantly woke up. I darted towards them, now pulling Luke along with me. I was feeling really hungry so piled up five fat pancakes on my plate.

"Damn, your hungry aren't you?" Luke chuckled, now placing his three pancakes on his plate delicately.

"I'm actually starving I don't even know why" I said, smothering the pancakes in golden syrup.

"Probably because you didn't want to eat anything on the plane" he replied, dripping on small drops of golden syrup.

"I hate plane food" I said, sitting down opposite Luke and devouring my plate of food.

"Well it's a good thing that your eating a lot this morning because you'll need the energy today"

"What are we doing?"

"Wait and see" he said with a smirk.

"Oh come on Luke. Why do you always have to surprise me?" I giggled.

"Because I love you"

"That doesn't make any sense" I laughed "you surprise me a lot because you love me..." A small smirk crept up on to my face.

"It doesn't make sense because I love you" he said, trying extremely hard not to laugh.

"Okay Luke, whatever you say"


I stared up at the huge tower. "This was the surprise? You took me to the Eiffel tower? Wow! This is amazing! I always wanted to see it up close" I said, not moving my gaze from the huge tower.

"We're not just going to look at it, we're going to climb it" Luke said, walking slowly backwards towards the tower and pulling my hand along with him.

We stood in the never ending queue for the elevator. The elevator would take us up half of the way then we were climbing the rest. Many guards and police officers checked our possessions. We finally made it up to the middle and took in the view.

"Wow" he both said in unison. Even from half way up you could see the whole of Paris. "Imagine what it'll be like at the top!?" I screamed, pulling Luke's hand towards the stairs. He followed me, laughing at my childish nature. We barged passed many French people, receiving angry glares from many of them.

"Slow down" Luke moaned, breathing insanely hard.

"Come on fat ass" I joked, pulling his hand up one more step. Without realising, it was the last step. We had made it to the top. "Luke we're here!" I screamed, pulling him towards the balcony viewing bit.

"Damn! We're so freaking high up holy shit!" Luke shouted, looking down to the tiny ant-looking people on the ground. We took in the amazing view of the tall buildings and city lights. "How the hell did we run all the way up here?" He laughed, still staring.

"All them pancakes I guess" I giggled, glancing at Luke and making spine tingling eye contact with him. I looked back at the view yet Luke carried on staring at me. I turned to face him again. "Why aren't you looking at the view?"

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