Fifty Three

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Lauren's POV

I let out a huge deep breath as I entered the elevator. I leaned against the walls and squinted my eyes together in pain.

"You okay baby? Are you still in pain? Maybe we should see a doctor or something" Luke said, rubbing my waist soothingly.

"It's nothing I-I just got some tunmy and back ache. It's normal, considering I'm almost 8 months pregnant" I said. It was just a month before I'll get to meet my baby Jake.

I tightly squeezed his hand as we walked down the hallway towards our apartment. "Do you want to see a doctor just incase-"

"Luke I said I'm fine!" I snapped. Luke's face turned to sorrow. I instantly felt bad. We entered the apartment in silence. "S-sorry I'm just a bit hormonal at the moment you know?" I said as I sat on the sofa.

"Yeah, I understand babe. I can't imagine what it must be like to carry around a baby for 9 months"

I cuddled Luke's side and closed my eyes.


I woke up in darkness. The light from my phone blinded me. I was in my bed. Did Luke carry me? I can't see how he carried me considering I'm extremely freaking heavy at the moment. I looked at the time and saw that it was only 7pm. I stumbled towards the living room in pain. Luke was laying on the sofa watching a movie.

"How you feeling Troub?" He asked, sitting up. I thought it was pretty sweet how he was always concerned about me.

"Yeah, I'm just gunnu take a shower" I said, itching my head and turning around towards the bathroom.

I turned on the shower and took off my clothes. I looked myself down in the mirror. My stomach was huge and was covered in stretch marks. I'm so excited to meet Jake. I'm so excited to raise him with Luke. I'm so excited to marry Luke. I'm so excited to grow old with Luke. My whole life was now planned out (apart from the job part). Finding a job was the least of my worries at the moment. Child birth is supposed to be the most painful experience that any woman could go through. I'm not looking forward to that part. But "I still have another month to go" I thought.

I stepped in the shower and let the hot water cover my body. I suddenly felt a sharp excruciating pain in my stomach. I fell to my knees in pain, causing a loud thud to echo through the apartment. I cried in pain, clutching on to my stomach. Luke burst through the door in panic.

"Lauren? What's the matter!" He yelled, turning off the shower. He sat on the wet shower floor and rubbed my stomach how he always does when I'm in pain. But this wasn't just any normal pain.

"The baby's coming" I cried "Jakey's coming, Luke".

Luke stared in surprise. "B-but he's not supposed to come for another month. Are you sure?" he panicked.

"He's coming early" I cried, squinting my eyes together and poring with tears. The pain was terrible. Luke pulled me to my feet and carried me to the bedroom.

"It's okay, Trouble. Everything will be fine" he assured me, as I struggled to pull my shirt over my stomach. He searched through our baby clothes and picked the blue one saying 'Little Monster' on the front. The pain was starting to go but soon enough, another excruciating pain hit me in the stomach. I screamed and clenched my stomach, falling on the bed. Luke pulled me to my feet and hugged me tightly. "Will you be able to walk to the car" I quickly nodded as he wiped away my tears. "Lets go"

We made it to the car before another contraction came. It was much more painful than I could ever imagine. Luke sped down the road, keeping one hand on my thigh to comfort me. His breathing was quick and heavy. I took out my phone and called Liz. I think of liz as my own mom. She always acts like my mom as well. She actually reminds me a lot of my real mom. Kind, loving, everything I could ask for. I told her that the baby was coming and quickly hung up without another word.

"Just five minutes. Everything is okay babe. Trouble? you still awake?" he asked, looking from the road to me. I lifted up my head from my hands to tell him I was still awake. "We're going to leave the hospital in a few days with a baby in our hands. We have such an amazing life ahead if us" Luke said. He distracted me from the pain. He was helping a lot. "We're going to have such a beautiful baby. He's going to learn to walk, get his first teeth, make friends, go to school, get his first girlfriend, graduate, go to college, get his drivers licence, get married and have his own kids. Just like us... apart from the - college - bit" his words made me chuckle. "As for us, we're going to raise our little baby, get married, maybe have a few more kids-"

"Not any time soon! I'm too fucking young for this shit" I interrupted. We both laughed before Luke carried on. He was even making me laugh when I'm giving birth.

"We'll both have jobs, have anniversary dinners, go on family holidays, attend our children's weddings, have grandchildren, grow old, be buried next to each other, then meet again on the other side" his voice was slightly shaky.

I had almost completely forgotten about the pain. Luke is so amazing. He can take my pain away just by talking. He's so perfectly amazing. I couldn't ask for a better fiancé. We arrived at the hospital and parked. Just as Luke opened my door for me to come out, I got another pain. I squeezed Luke's arm as hard as I could. I could tell I was hurting him but I really didn't care. I was in agony. We entered the hospital and many doctors and nurses crowded me as I collapsed on the floor. My vision turned to darkness.

Luke's POV

Lauren collapsed on the floor as I tried to keep her up. Her eyes closed so I called for help. Many doctor's and nurses surrounded her. She was pulled away on a bed and I ran after it. She was placed in a room and I was asked many questions.

I sat beside the bed and Lauren grabbed my hand. She squeezed it as tight as she could, it hurt. "Okay Lauren, on the count of three, I'm going to ask you to push okay?" A doctor said. "1 - 2 - 3". Lauren screwed her face up and pushed. I didn't think it was possible but she squeezed my hand even tighter.

"You can do it Trouble, you're doing so well" I said.

"Shut the fuck up Luke" she chuckled. I laughed at her jokey manner. Even whilst giving birth she could laugh. Her laugh is the most beautiful sound. Lauren pushed again and screamed. I kissed her hand softly as if it would stop the pain. I would do anything to take away Lauren's pain. I hate to see her suffer. After a few more pushes Lauren stopped screaming and she gasped. The baby had been born. But I didn't hear him. I stood up and took a look at my baby. The doctors looked at each other worriedly and quickly cut the cord.

"What's happening?" Lauren worried. "Where's my baby"

"What's the matter? What's the matter with him?" I panicked.

The doctors rushed our baby out of the room without a word.

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