Twenty Two

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Lauren's POV

I laid with Luke just taking in what just happened. Luke quietly sang in my ear as he played with my fingers. I closed my eyes and buried my face in his chest.

"Dinner!" Liz called.

Luke and I shot up, got in some clothes then went down stairs to eat dinner. I sat next to Luke and Liz sat opposite us. Luke's parents got a divorce a long time ago so they don't live with each other any more. Luke is always saying bad things about him. He sounds like a jerk.

Liz looked up to Luke's hair. Shit. He had sex hair.

"Have you unpacked?" She asked.

"Yeah. We're almost finished" I lied.

"Okay" she smirked and carried on eating the pizza she had prepared.

Luke and I sat extremely closely. I felt Luke's warm hand creep up my thigh. But it shot away every time Liz looked up. We playfully kicked each other under the table just how we did at school. We couldn't hold in our laughter.

"What?" Liz asked.

"She kicked me!" Luke said playfully in a baby voice.

"He kicked me first!" I said in the same voice.

"Honestly, when will you grow up" Liz chuckled.



After dinner, I tried to help Liz with tidying up but she insisted that I go spend time with Luke. How could I say no?

"Can I take a shower?" I asked Luke when we got back to his room.

"Of course but don't take too long" he snickered.

I playfully rolled my eyes and entered his ensuite.

I quietly sang my favourite song in the shower, Boulevard of broken dreams by Greenday. Until I heard another voice join in behind me. "Can I make this a duet?" He asked. I turned around and Luke was standing in the shower with me. He wrapped his arms around my hips and buried his face in my neck. He carried on singing soothingly and quietly and I soon joined in.

"I walk a lonely road
The only one that I have ever known
Don't know where it goes
But it's home to me and I walk alone

I walk this empty street
On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Where the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk alone

I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk alone
I walk a...

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone"

He quietly sang in my ear as we hugged. I did sing a bit but it was quiet because I can't sing. "I love you" he whispered and he connected our lips passionately together.

"I love you more" I giggled

"No way! Impossible" he fought.

"Shut up" I said and connected our lips again.


"Can you wear my clothes?" Luke pouted

"no ew" I chuckled.

"Pleaaasse?" He cooed.

"Ugh fine." I gave in.

Luke clapped his hands like a little school girl and went to find some clothes in his cupboard. He picked out some baggy, grey jogging bottoms and a white tank top.

"Only because I love you" I smirked and pecked his lips before turning round to get changed.

"Oh my god I look so stupid!" I giggled looking down at my huge clothes.

"No you look cute, I like it" Luke said laying on his bed with his laptop. He was wearing pretty much the same as me but his actually fit him. He tapped his bed to gesture me to come sit with him. He had Netflix open and was scrolling through the movies.

"What you wanna watch?" He sang

"Anything" I really didn't care unless I was with him. So Luke decided he would put on 'Olympus has Fallen'. It was quite a manly film but I just enjoyed Luke's company.


I looked at my phone. It was 2am. Luke was asleep beside me. I couldn't stop thinking about Josie. How she was coping without me. I decided to call her.

Luke's POV

I woke up to the sound of Lauren talking to someone on the phone.

"Are you okay?....... I miss you too...... you know I can't come back I'm living with Luke now."

What? Who is she talking to? Is she cheating on me?

"I promise I'll visit..... I love you too..... should I tell Luke?-"

"Tell me what?" I interrupted.

Lauren seemed shocked and said goodbye to who ever she was talking to, to face me. I wasn't taking any excuses.

"Who was that?" I shouted

"Luke! What's the matter? Calm down!"

"No I won't calm down until you tell me who that was!"

"Luke, shut up! Don't you trust me? It was only Josie! She's going through a lot and I'm being there for her like a good friend should! If you have a problem with that then I'll go!"

With that she stormed into the ensuite and I was left listening to the sobs.

"Lauren! I'm sorry! I trust you! It just sounded like you were talking to someone else! Please open the door!" I begged banging on the door. There was no answer. Wow. I've really fucked this up now haven't I? I had to make it up to her.

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