Forty Eight

781 28 19

I HAVE A MESSAGE FOR ARWEN CASSIE AND JOSIE. doesn't that picture above look like mr nelmes??? Is it just me????


Ed's POV

I hid in my room. Just sitting in front of the door. I don't know what I was waiting for. I'm scared that Luke or Michael are going to barge in through the door and try to kill me or something. I shouldn't really be in this home. The age limit it 17. I'm now 18.

Three quiet taps came from the door. "Ed? Are you in there?" Said the quiet female voice. It was only Miss Jacobson. I stood up and opened the door. "How about you come downstairs and say hello to everyone. I bet you've missed them haven't you"

"Naa I just wanna stay up here" I said nonchalantly.

"Well, make sure that you come down at least once today. Everyone has missed you" she lied. I knew that nobody missed me. No one cares about me.

"I want to go back to England. I just want to go and never come back. I prefer it there. Please, let me go. I don't want to be here" I said. I love Sydney but Sydney hates me. I had to leave.

"W-well... I guess if you really feel like thats what you want to do then - Well - you only just got here, Ed. how about you try it out, yeah?"

"No I have to leave now" I begged.



Lauren's POV

I woke up to the earsplitting sound of Luke's phone ringing. I checked my own phone and saw that it was 5am.

"It's Michael" Luke said croakily.

"Put it on speaker" I said, sitting up.

"Michael do you know what the time is here?" Luke asked angrily.

"Sorry mate. I just called to say that - err well... I have news" Michael said.


"Ed's back. He made friends with Ash. Ash didn't know who he was. Apparently Ed tried to convince Ash that they used to be friends. Ed's ran back to the home now. We don't know what he's going to do but trust me, I won't let anyone get hurt."

"O-okay. Thanks Mikey We'll see you in a few days. Bye"


All of a sudden, I felt really sick. My whole stomach rumbled and ached. I ran to the toilet and puked up everything. Luke followed me and held up my hair.

"You alright baby? Did you eat something bad?" He asked, rubbing my back.

"Well, do you feel sick? Because we've eaten the same things"

"No. I feel fine. Maybe you just caught something then"

"Maybe" I said before puking once again in the hotel toilet. "I'm going to go get dressed and shit. I'm not in the mood for breakfast. Can we just stay in today?"

"Of course babe. I'll stay with you up here and comfort you if you want? I'll just call room service if I get hungry"

"Thanks, I love you. I would kiss you right now but..."

"Well you'll hopefully be better by tomorrow so we can save it for then"


2 days later.

"Ed's left" Michael said down the phone. "He just took off and left Sydney"

"Well that's great, we'll be home in two days" Luke said "but Lauren's still really sick. I don't know whats the matter with her"

"Oh no. Tell her I said get well soon. See you in a couple of days then?"

"See you then, bye" Luke said, hanging up and following me into the bathroom as we usually do in the mornings. I don't know how I could still be puking. I have't eaten anything in two days.

"Maybe you should try to eat something. You might feel better. You never know" Luke said. At the mention if food I puked once again. "Or not"

"Luke, I don't want to spoil the holiday for you by being sick. You can go and do some site seeing if you want. I'll just stay up here. Really, I don't mind"

"No Lauren. This holiday is for you. It's your birthday present. I'd rather be with you. It's fine. I need to make sure your okay. And even if I went out by myself I would be lonely. I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about my poor fiancé all sick and by herself. I'm staying Trouble"

"I love you Luke. Thank you" I said before puking once again.



"Yeah Trouble?"

"I'm going to quickly go down the road to the store to buy some tampons"

"Do you want me to do it for you? I'll go"

"You wouldn't know what to buy though" I giggled.


"Luke, I'll just be a couple of minutes. I won't be long. Don't worry about me"

"Okay but if you're not back in 3 minutes, I'm sending out search parties and helicopters to find you"

"Okay. Bye babykins" I cooed.

"Im serious!" He called as I left the hotel room.

I didn't need to buy tampons. My period was actually really late. I was going to the shop for something else. A pregnancy test.

I arrived at the small store and piled up 4 or 5 different tests. Thankfully, there wasn't a massive queue. I left the store and quickly walked back to the hotel. I entered the room and tried my best to hide what was in the shopping bag from Luke.

"Trouble! Your late!" He shouted playfully.

"It's not my fault. The queue was massive"

"Well at least your back and still alive" he said, rapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my neck.

"I'm going to go put on a tampon. I'll be right back" I said, kissing him on the cheek and entering the bathroom with the shopping bag.


I stood in the doorway of the bathroom, staring at the floor. Luke sat on the bed, watching Tv.

"You okay Trouble?" He asked , standing up from his seat and walking over to me. "What's the matter?"

I sniffled and wiped the tears of joy from my eyes. I moved my gaze from the floor to Luke and smiled. I stared into his blue irises, smiling whilst crying.

"What? Why are you so happy?" He chuckled.

"I'm pregnant"

Trouble//LhTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon