Thirty Eight

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Lauren's POV

We've spent our first night in our own home. I was awoken by beautiful noise. Luke was sitting on the edge of our bed, strumming his guitar.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to Lauren. Happy Birthday to you" he sang.

"Oh my god I totally forgot" I laughed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"How could you forget your 18th birthday?! Anyway, today is going to be the best birthday of your life" he announced, standing up from the bed and placing his guitar against the wall. Within second he was back. He held a tray with a plate and a glass of orange juice on it. On the plate was three, fat pancakes, coated in lemon juice and sugar. A couple strawberries were perfectly placed on the top of the master piece, making it look like a work of art.



There were three quiet knocks at our new front door. I skipped from the bed to go answer it.

"Josie! Conner! Baby Tay!" I screamed.

"Hey gurl! Happy freakin birthday!" Conner screamed, inviting himself into our extremely untidy apartment. We've only lived here for 1 night and the floor is already covered in boxes, moving presents and clothes. (Don't ask why there was clothes on the floor).

"Hey Lauren!" Josie said, with a huge grin spreading across her face. She held up Taylor for me to hold her. I carefully took the precious baby and cradled her in my arms. I shut the door behind them. Luke quickly joined us and exchanged hugs with Conner and Josie.

"Hello Baby Tay" I said calmly stoking her head. I could sense Luke next to me eagerly waiting for his turn to hold her. "You'll get your turn Mr Hemmings" I said, raising my eyebrows at him. I've been calling him Mr Hemmings a lot recently. I secretly wanted him to get a boner in front of everyone. That would be funny. We sat on some the one couch in our living room and Luke quickly placed a cushion on his lap, clearing his throat.

"H-how's Tay been?" He asked. I could tell he was trying to hide his boner. All I said was Mr Hemmings.

"She's been great" Josie said.

I gently passed Taylor to Luke and he held her in his arms and looked lovingly down at her. The way he looked at her was so cute. I can just imagine Luke looking at his own kids like that too.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Conner exclaimed, standing from his seat. "Birthday presents are in the flat. I'll be right back"

"Aww guys you didn't have to" I laughed.

"Yes we did. You're 18!" Josie announced.

"I have a surprise for you" Luke said

"Tell me!!" I shouted. I hate surprises.

"It's a surprise!" He argued.

"Mr Lucas Hemmings you tell me now. You know I hate surprises" I said firmly, allowing a smirk to creep up on my face.

Luke's face turned a bit red as he held the cushion even tighter against his lap. I don't get how I was turning him on by just saying Mr Lucas Hemmings. It's kind of nice thinking that I could turn someone on that easily. I was having the time of my life embarrassing him.

Within seconds, Conner was back with a present.

"Umm" I said slowly, staring at it.

"Okay, okay, we didn't have any wrapping paper so we wrapped it up in wall paper. Laugh all you want" Conner chuckled. I held up the wall paper wrapped present and we all laughed.

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