24 - Ed returns!

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Josie's POV

I went to the doctor for a check up or whatever. He basically asked me how I was feeling and confirmed that I was definitely pregnant. He told me that in three days I will have to go back to the doctor for my scan.

When the baby is born I don't know what I'll do. If I keep the baby, all I'd be able to think about is Ed. I want to forget about Ed. My baby was probably going to be ginger which didn't help with forgetting about him. Ginger babies ate cute though. If I send my baby to a new mummy and daddy, they would probably bring him/her up better than me. I'm still a child. How was I supposed to raise my own one? I was snapped out of my thoughts by a text... from Ed. Shit. I know that Miss Jacobson told him. He wouldn't react good.

"I told you that if that baby was mine that I'd come for you. Well guess what? I'm coming. See you in a bit :)"

I could imagine his evil eyes. He was coming for me. I needed to tell someone.

Lauren's POV

I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing I instantly answered it to stop Luke from waking up. It was from Josie.

"Hello, Josie is everything alright?" I asked as I got up and walked downstairs to get a drink.

"No..." Said the shaky voice on the end.

"What's the matter?"

"I got a text from Ed. he's coming for me. Like now. I'm so scared Lauren I don't know what to do!"

"Josie, calm down. I'm on my way." I said before hanging up.

I didn't want to disturb Luke from his sleep so I left him a note just incase he woke up. It said:


Josie is in trouble. Ed's back. I'm just checking up on her. I'll try to be back before you wake up. I love you with all my heart.



I ran down the street with the huge ladder in my arms. If Ed was there I wouldn't be able to fight him or anything. I don't know what I'll do if Ed's there.

Josie's POV:

Lauren should be here at any moment. I heard a knock at my door but not my window. How would Lauren get through the front door? It couldn't have been Lauren. If it wasn't Lauren then who was it?

I opened my door.

The person on the other side of the door was not Lauren.

"Did you miss me?" Ed laughed.



Hope you liked this update. What will he do? Will Luke come to the rescue? Find out on my next update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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