Depend on Me

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Note: I want to sincerely apologize to all Kaminari, Sero, and Mina fans in advance for this fanfic, but if you like Mineta...👉🕳

Jirou's POV:When I went back to my dorm, I immediately went to clean up my room

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Jirou's POV:
When I went back to my dorm, I immediately went to clean up my room. I had instruments everywhere and wherever I looked I found another guitar pick. I didn't want Momo to think I was junky and unorganized, so I handled that first. Once I finished, it looked cleaner than when I first set up my dorm. I had already set up 4 movies to watch just in case she didn't like one. After that I went to the store to buy some snacks.

"Thank you for shopping here. See you next time!"

As I walked out the store with a bag in one hand, I saw two figures moving towards me. As they moved closer, I recognized it was that blonde idiot and that perverted midget. I was waiting for the cars to pass to cross the street, until I overheard their conversation.

"Should I put it on her door or on her locker?" Denki said scratching his head.

"Put it on her door!" Mineta giggled.

What were those imbeciles doing now? Planning one of their perverted stunts again? I crossed the street, successfully avoiding being recognized by them. When I entered my dorm, I sat the bag in a chair, and threw off my shoes. I checked the time on my phone, showing that I had 30 minutes left until she would arrive. I turned on the TV, impatiently waiting for Momo to arrive.

Momo's POV:
I really didn't want to go anywhere, but I really did want to see Jirou. Next thing I know it, I'm face to face with the door to Jirou's dorm. I took a deep breath, trying to cheer myself up, and knocked on her door. In only a few seconds, I heard the latch loosen and the doorknob unlock.
"Yaomomo, glad you could make it! Come inside," the small purple-haired girl said invitingly.

Wow, she's fast.

"Thanks," I responded.

Jirou's POV:
I heard knocking on the door, and I instantly rushed to answer it. I invited Momo in, but she seemed kind of off. I noticed her eyes kind of looked tired and she wasn't as talkative as usual. Maybe it was too late to be hanging out, but nonetheless I let her in.

I made us some tea and sat down at the table with her. We talked while sipping our tea, but I did most of the talking. She was very quiet and had short responses to everything we talked about. I thought maybe she was just sleepy, but even sleepy Momo doesn't act like this. I grew suspicious about my best friend's behavior.

"You want to watch a movie? ♪ We have snaaacks ♪." I said in a slight tune.

"Sure," she responded in a small voice.

During the movie, I couldn't help but give her worry glances out the corner of my eye. Her attention remained glued to the television with a blank expression on her face. She sat on the couch, with her arm propped up on the armrest, with her hand holding up her cheek. I sat on the other side of her pondering about what could be wrong with her. She didn't even touch a single snack, and she loves sweets. I couldn't even focus on the movie and missed most of it. Momo immediately got up when the end credits appeared on the screen.

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