Happy Birthday, Kyo(Smut)[FINALE]

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A/N: Sorry for not updating yesterday, I just didn't feel like it tbh.
Chapter Warning: Contains smut because......idk it's the last chapter so fuck it

Jirou's POV:Momo was sitting in between my legs, with hers spread apart, moaning up a storm as I rubbed her clit

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Jirou's POV:
Momo was sitting in between my legs, with hers spread apart, moaning up a storm as I rubbed her clit. She already came five times, and I was having fun testing her limits.

"Yaomomo, for you to be dominant most of the time, you sure are cumming fairly quickly."

"Shut up. I'm only allowing you to do this because it's your birthday."

"Is that so? I'll certainly stop, if you're not enjoying it," I slowed down my quick circles and teased her.

"Aughh— d-don't stop, I am enjoying it!"

Her voice sounded desperate and hungry, which only added fuel to my lustful side. She tried to hide the fact that she loved being submissive sometimes, but I already had her figured out. The way her back arched, her toes curled, her eyes shut, her head throw back, and the passionate moans that parted from her lips revealed how pleased she actually was. With my other hand I massaged her breast, rolling over her hard nipples with my fingers. She was always quite responsive to this and went crazy when I did it. She bucked her hips as I cupped her. She began to grind against my hand and groaned as if she was trying to communicate something to me. Of course, I already knew what she wanted.

"Please touch me," she said, putting her hand over mine.

"What do you mean? I already am," I smirked.

"Kyo, you know what I mean!"

She turned around to look me in the eyes, and I saw neediness reside in her hypnotic onyx orbs. I kissed her, slipping my tongue into her mouth, returning to the delicious exploration I've already been on a few times now. I bit down on her bottom lip, and she let out a pleased hum. I began to rub my fingers around her clit again. She couldn't even focus on kissing me because it was interrupted by her cries of pleasure. I slowed down my circles, and she gave out a displeased whine.

"Stop!" She cried.

"If that's what you want," I said, removing my fingers away from her all together.

She grunted at me, grabbing my hand for me to continue.

"No, Momo, it's my birthday. So I'm going to do whatever I want to do to you."

I kissed her neck, leaving hickies down the side. She moaned loudly and begged me to touch her.

"Make me cum already," she groaned.

"Not yet, you'll cum when I give you permission to do so."

"Fuck you," she said in return.

"That's cute," I teased, making her even more irritated.

She only acted like this because she hated that she loved being treated this way. She was now defenseless and totally vulnerable, which was a delicious sight for me. I especially loved it when she swore at me because she's not usually vulgar like this.

I cupped her wet cunt again, and she started to grind against my hand once more. I let her do it since that's all she was going to get. When her soft moans became louder, I took my hand away.

"You're getting too much pleasure from that, Momo."

"Please, Kyouka, I can't take it anymore!"

I took my fingers, that were soaked in her juices, and stuck them in her mouth. I could feel her warm tongue glide over them, until she unexpectedly bit them. I lifted my eyebrows as she sank her teeth into my skin. So this is her way of fighting back, eh? It hurt quite a bit, but it was oddly arousing. I pulled my fingers out of her mouth, observing her teeth marks on my skin. I smiled to myself before surprising her with a bite to the neck.

"Kyouka!" She moaned.

I left bite marks all over her neck and shoulders. My hand wandered back down to her soaked area and started to please her.

"K-Kyo, I'm so close."

"You better not cum, Momo. You don't have my permission yet."

I moved my hand faster, making it about near impossible for her not to reach her peak. She tried her hardest to hold back, but she quickly succumbed to the pleasure. As expected, she went through a mind-blowing orgasm that caused her legs to shake.

"Bad girl. You didn't listen to my instructions."

I moved from behind her, making myself comfortable in between her legs.

"Wait, I just came!" She said completely breathless.

"Exactly, so here's your punishment."

She screamed out as I licked up her juices. She tried to squirm away from me, but I held down her hips. I flicked her clit with my tongue to which she gripped the sheets, saying inaudible words. Tears began to come out her eyes as I overstimulated her. I kept going until she came again. I brushed over her sensitive area with the pad of my thumb, and she immediately shut her legs and shuddered.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked climbing back up to her face.

She nodded her head, "Yes, but I feel like I'm going to faint...too many orgasms."

Her voice sounded weak and exhausted. I kissed her on the lips, and she melted into it. I collapsed by her side, and she rolled over and laid her head on my chest. I put my arms around her, and I could still feel her light trembles.

"You did good," I kissed her forehead.

"Happy birthday," she said before drifting off to sleep.

A/N: Well that's it. I hope you enjoyed this fanfic as much as I enjoyed writing it. Though, I probably going to reread this and cringe at it later. Thank you for everyone who read and voted for this book! You kept me motivated to keep writing it. I have more MomoJirou books planned for the future, so stay tuned if you're interested. Until next time, my friends.❤️

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