Broken Promise

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Momo's POV: I slowly opened my eyes, and expected to be lying on a stone cold floor, but instead I was in a soft bed

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Momo's POV:
I slowly opened my eyes, and expected to be lying on a stone cold floor, but instead I was in a soft bed. I acknowledged my surroundings and noticed I was in Jirou's room.  I also noticed I was in my pajamas with bandages on my knees. Too many questions flooded my mind at once.

How did I get here? Did Jirou find me? If she did then how? Did she bring me here alone? How am I in my pjs? Did she change me? Where is she anyways?

I tried to sit up, but a huge headache came rushing over me. I groaned in pain, then Jirou entered the room.

"Yaomomo, lay back down," she gently aided me back unto the pillow.

She gave me a plate of food, which had eggs, bacon, and toast on it. She sat a cup of orange juice on the nightstand. She left the room leaving me to eat my food. About 30 minutes later, she came back in fully dressed in her uniform ready for school.

"Shoot, I forgot about school," I said with a sigh.

"You're not going anywhere," she demanded. "You need to rest and take a little break from school today."

I didn't argue with her and took a sip of my orange juice. She took my plate away and returned with a worried look.  


I knew she about to say something serious because she addressed me by my first name, instead of my nickname.


"What happened yesterday? I found you in a fucking closet at school last night and carried you back here. Who the fuck did this? I need to know the truth," she said in a upset tone.

I decided to answer her truthfully, "Sero, Denki, and Mineta were behind all this. They singled me out when everyone was out of the hallways. They taped me up and threw me in some room. I don't know how long I was there for, but I must have fell asleep.

Jirou raised her voice at me, "Stop mitigating what happened. They did a little more than just throw you in a room. You were bleeding and had a hand mark on your face. For fuck's sake, Momo, you were unconscious when I found you!"

I couldn't even look her in the face. I was so disappointed in myself and knew she would be fed up with me by now.

"I'm sorry for making you come rescue me like you always do."

She sighed, "I'm not angry with you Yaomomo, I'm just worried. I don't mind saving you when you need help because it's you."

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