In Vino Veritas

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Momo's POV:The next morning, I decided to get up and roam the streets of Osaka

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Momo's POV:
The next morning, I decided to get up and roam the streets of Osaka. I was kind of avoiding Jirou, since things were a little awkward between us. I went out by myself and ordered in at a cafe. I was drinking some tea and was quickly filled with loneliness. I sat there thinking about the plans I had canceled for today. I was supposed to be bringing Jirou to Dotonbori, which was a famous tourist attraction in Osaka, but I guess things didn't go as planned. As I walked out the cafe, I bumped into a familiar person.

"How funny to find you here," said the pink-skinned girl.

"O-oh Mina," I said trying to walk pass her.

She grabbed my arm, "Where do you thing you're going, Yaoyorozu?"

"Please......not in public," I said looking around.

She smirked, "Follow me."

I lifted my eyebrow, "Why should I?"

"I don't think you want these coming out," she said pulling something out her pocket.

She pulled out some pictures of me in front of this love hotel hugging another student.

"What the fuck is this? This is obviously photoshopped. And you're fucking following me?" I whispered yelled.

"Wow Momo, I didn't know you were capable of using such profane language. It doesn't matter how I took the photos and if they're real or not, because no one will believe you anyways. So, you coming?" She asked smirking again.

I had no choice and followed her to some alley.

"Now, what do you want?" I looked at her annoyed.

She took out serval packages of some unknown substance.

"I need you to deliver this to a friend."

She put it in my hand and I analyzed the packages.

I looked up at her with disbelief, "Are these drugs?!"

Mina laughed, "It doesn't matter, you're not doing them anyways. Just deliver it, and you're good. Or are you going to bitch about it? Because if you bail out now, I'll have to get your little companion involved."

I furrowed my eyebrows, "Fine. Just don't bring Jirou into this. But who's the friend?"

"You'll do anything for that girl wouldn't you? Anyways, it's Mineta."

"Fuck you, Mina. Where am I supposed to be meeting him in the first place?"

"Ya'know, curse words don't look good on you, Yaoyorozu."

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