Congenial Couple

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Momo's POV:"I know that look," I said, eyeing my wife sitting down on the couch, with papers on her lap

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Momo's POV:
"I know that look," I said, eyeing my wife sitting down on the couch, with papers on her lap.

Her eyelids were half closed and her head hung low. I was sitting at a table, to stay awake, filling out paperwork.

"You can go to bed if you're tired."

Kyouka popped her head up, "I'm not tired!"

I rolled my eyes, "Alrighty then."

She hurriedly picked up her pen from off the ground and started to write. It was 2 o'clock in the morning, and the room was filled with nothing but the sounds of pens tapping onto papers. I hated this part of being a pro hero. We had to fill out stacks of paperwork about various things. I looked back at Kyouka who was trying so hard to stay awake. Her eyes closed and her head started to fall forward.

"Babe!" I yelled.

She jumped, startled at my loud voice. I sighed and got up from my chair. I walked over to her and picked her up over my shoulder.

"Put me down!" She whined as I carried her to our room.

She lightly hit my back, which was more of a tap, because she was too exhausted to actually put up a fight.

"Just gimme another cup of coffee, and I'll be fine," she replied.

"No, you already had 3. It's time for you to go to bed," I said, lying her down.

"I'm awake," she pouted.

"Why are you being so resistant to sleeping?"

"Because I don't want leave you to do all the work yourself."

I chuckled at her thoughtfulness, "I'll be fine. Besides, we finished most of it already. So go to bed."

I pulled the covers over her.

"Fine," she said closing her eyes, practically falling asleep in seconds.

I kissed her on the forehead and returned to the tedious papers. As I began to write and read documents, I felt my own consciousness slipping away from me. My struggle to stay awake became worse with every paper I signed or filled out.


I woke up with my face on my crossed arms. I sat my head up, realizing I never finished the paperwork. I groaned, but soon noticed the neatly stacked papers on the table. Maybe I did finished. I looked closer at the papers and realized it was Kyouka's handwriting. I also noticed the pair of arms wrapped around my torso and the head against my back. I turned around and saw my lover fast asleep. I carefully sat up, and she started to stir.

"You finished all that paperwork by yourself?" I asked, getting up and stretching my limbs.

"Yeah, and you lied about it not being a lot," she answered, rubbing her eyes.

"When did you get back up?"

She got up from the chair, "Only an hour after you sent me to bed. I found you asleep, and you hadn't finished yet. You're a hypocrite, y'know? You should've gone—"

I interrupted her by resting my forehead on her shoulder.

"Thank you, babe."

She enclosed her arms around me and rubbed my back. She lifted my face up and kissed me.

"You still sleepy?" She asked in a sweet tone.


"We have another hour before we actually have to get up, so let's go lay down."

I agreed, and we cuddled until it was time to get up again.


I stood in front of some cafe where I waited for Kyouka, Ochako , and Tsu to show up. We had all agreed to meet there to catch up with each other. Ochako and Tsu were now engaged and were currently planning their wedding.

Kyouka was called on a mission in the middle of the night, but she promised she would show up. Even though I tried to convince her that we could all meet up at a different time, she insisted that we should do it today.

As I waited for them, a random guy approached me.

"Hey, hot stuff," he said, taking off his sunglasses.

Now you would think since I'm a well known pro hero, people would know I'm married. Nonetheless, I get catcalled often on the streets. Not only does this make me annoyed, but Kyouka gets worked up as well.

I awkwardly chuckled, "Can I help you?"

"Yeah, hook me up with your number."

"Sorry, but I'm married," I replied, showing him the ring on my finger.

His hand landed on my shoulder, making me uncomfortable.

"Why does that have to matter?"

It was taking a lot out of me to not choke this man. When someone harassed me before, and I retaliated, I got slammed in the press. People ridiculed me for beating up a helpless man who was just trying to "flirt" with me. So I guess people expect me to do nothing if I get harassed, or I'll be "abusing my power as a pro hero." Unfortunately for them, Kyouka wasn't having that and gladly beat down any perverts who tried to put their hands on me. Did people criticize her? Yes, yes they did. But the thing I absolutely adore about my wife, is that she doesn't give a fuck about other people's opinions, except for mind maybe.

He then started to move his hand down to my waist, and I could predict danger awaited him.

"If you don't remove your hand away from me and leave me alone, either I will break your hand or my wife will."

"Your wife?"

He soon yelled out in pain as his hand was being squeezed tightly by none other than my wife. He turned around to her glaring face. Her eyes were either filled with disgust or disdain.

"Hello, I'm the wife that's about to break your hand," she said, giving him a forced smile.

She gripped it even more, until tears fell from the guy's eyes. I persuaded her to stop before she actually broke his hand. The guy ran away, talking about how we were bitches. She grabbed me by the waist, pulling me closer to her side.

"Yaomomo, are you alright?"

"Yes, now that my knight in shining armor has saved me."

She kissed me on the cheek, "Let's go inside and wait for the others."

Author's Note:
Next chapter is the last chapter.

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