Trip to Osaka

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Momo's POV:I took a nap in Jirou's bed and then got up feeling a little better

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Momo's POV:
I took a nap in Jirou's bed and then got up feeling a little better. I decided to pay a visit to my dorm and clean my self up and put on my uniform. I chose to head over to school near lunch time, since I already missed more than half of the class. At least I would able to do the training portion of the day. I took some Advil to lessen the pain in my head then walked out the door, making sure I didn't forget Jirou's special button.

I walked inside the school with the intention of surprising Jirou. I hoped she wouldn't be too mad that I didn't stay in bed like she told me too. I walked toward my locker to put some stuff away, and I heard a whole bunch of chaos around the corner. I though it was just some random students up to trouble again, but curiosity led me to check what was going on over there. And curiosity killed the cat didn't it? Because my pulse definitely disappeared from what I saw.

Students were crowed around someone and people were yelling and running. I pushed through the crowd to see what was going on, only to find Jirou beating the brakes off of Sero. My blood ran cold as I saw the resentment in her eyes and her bloody fist pounding an already defeated Sero. I dashed to her to break them up. I forcefully grabbed her from behind, stopping her from moving. She kept trying to pull away from me but I held on tightly. I had never seen Jirou so angry before and it was all my fault. Tears began to form in my eyes, then I noticed Jirou stopped moving looking directly at me. I was relieved she had calmed down, but she was soon taken away by Aizawa-sensei. Sero was taken to the infirmary because she really did do a number on him. Everyone returned back to their classes, and I could only think about Jirou's infuriated face for the entire day.

Everything went smoothly for the rest of the day until I was putting away my books in my locker  before going back to my dorm. Sero came up to me.

"Hey bitch, I advise you to avoid that little friend of yours if you know what's best for you. We don't need her getting in the middle of our affairs," He said with an irritated smile.

I was fed up with him and rolled up my sleeve. I created a metal staff from my forearm.

I glared at him, "What are you scared you're going to get your ass beat again again? I advise you to leave before I make that a reality."

I turned away from him and headed out the school. I could here him say "That bitch," while I walked away. I went to our dormitories and knocked on Jirou door. I heard light footsteps walk up to the door and the door swung open. The small girl looked up at me with surprise.

"O-oh I didn't expect to see you here; come in," she said letting me enter.

We sat on the couch in awkward silence, until she spoke.

"Yaomomo, are you mad about what I did?"

I sighed, "I'm not mad, I'm just a bit disappointed. You promised you wouldn't do anything."

"I couldn't just let that bastard walk after what he did to you!" She argued.

I looked at her annoyed, "Well now your in trouble and the whole school is talking about your little incident."

She rolled her eyes, "I don't give two fucks about what that school nor anyone else has to say about me. I got in trouble for the right reasons and justice was served."

We sat there again in silence.

There was no use in arguing with her so I casually asked her, "You wanna watch a movie?"

She laughed and agreed.

Jirou's POV:
Momo and I hung out for the entire day and the next. On Friday, we were standing in front of UA waiting for the bus. When it arrived, everyone gather up onto the bus. We put our luggage in the compartments above our heads and took our seats. I was sitting next to Momo, who was reading a book with a calm expression on her face. The bus began to move and everyone started to talk amongst themselves. I plugged in my earphones and listened to some music while looking out the window. We were going to be on the bus for 6 hours. At one point in time I got hungry and pulled out some pocky sticks. I looked over to Momo who still had her eyes glued to her book.

"Want some?" I asked pointing the box at her.

She smiled at me and took a few. I watched as she bit into one of them. Her smooth lips combine with the satisfy crunching sound of the stick made be blush a little.

Momo's POV:
I had finally finished my book, and noticed Jirou starting to nod off. She slowly blinked her eyes until they permanently closed themselves. Her head hung low until it made its way to my shoulder. I panicked and tensed up. I looked around the bus seeing if anyone had noticed. They were all minding their business so I relaxed a little. All of a sudden the bus hit a bump and caused everyone to slightly float up. I held Jirou's head in place so she wouldn't slam into my shoulder when we came back down. Luckily, she didn't wake up. I cursed fate for trying to make my little sweet Jirou wake up. Some time later, I found myself drifting away, and laid my head on top of hers.

My eyes shot opened when I heard Aizawa-sensi's voice.

"We're here," he said in a monotone.

I shook Jirou to wake her up, and she looked at me rubbing her eyes. I almost died from cuteness because of her adorable sleepy face. I helped her get her luggage down, and we exited the bus. Our teacher showed us the hotel we were staying in and said there were two students per a room, but girls could only share a room with other girls, and boys could only share a room with other boys. So of course I shared a room with Jirou. We unpacked our bags and made ourselves comfortable.

"I'm starving," she groaned.

"I'm hungry too. You want to go somewhere to eat?"

"Sure!" She said excitedly.

We decided to walk town and find somewhere to eat, while exploring the city of Osaka.

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