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Chapter Warning: Contains smut

Jirou's POV:I opened my eyes to the naked godess sleeping in my arms

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Jirou's POV:
I opened my eyes to the naked godess sleeping in my arms. The memories from just hours ago started to rush back to mind and turned me on a little. I leaned over her to check the alarm clock on her nightstand, and it was 6:03 pm. I carefully got up and put back on my clothes. I didn't want to wake her up so I tiptoed out the room. I was honestly bored so I sat on the couch, scrolling through social media.

"Jirou," said a fully dressed Momo, scaring the shit out me.

"When did you get up?" I asked as my heart was gradually slowing down.

"Not too long ago," she answered.

"So, how was I?" I asked smugly.

"You were fine," she looked away from me, trying to keep her dignity.

"Really? Just fine? Your body begged to differ," I said looking her up and down.

She blushed "Whatever."

I continue with my shenanigans, "As a matter of fact, you were the one doing all the moaning. Didn't you even beg—"

Momo had yanked me off the couch and pulled me into her.

"We'll see who's doing all the moaning in a minute," she said letting her hands roam my body.

"Yeah, right. You think you can top me that easily? Good luck!"

Why the fuck did I say that?

She pinned me to a wall, pressing my hands against it. She brushed her lips against mine, without kissing me. Her soft lips would barely graze mine, and she just backed away each time. She kissed me everywhere but my mouth, driving me insane.

"Momo, kiss me already!" I said annoyed.

Momo's POV:
Did she really think I was going to give her what she wanted so easily after what she did to me? She needed a taste of her own medicine.

"No. I think you need to be punished for your bad behavior."

I lightly grazed my lips on hers, until I finally kissed her. I cupped her face as I forcefully slipped my tongue into her mouth. Our tongues wrapped around each other, as I rubbed her thighs. I undressed the top half of her, and immediately massaged and squeezed her breast. I then directed my mouth to her neck again. I kissed and licked the sensitive spot on her neck, causing her to shudder. I teased that same spot until she spoke up.

"Momo, stop teasing me!" She cried impatiently.

That made me bite down on her neck, giving her a hickey. I made a trail of them down her neck as she slightly moaned each time. I traced my tongue over her ear and watched as she melted beneath me. She whined as I licked and nibbled on the top of her ear.

"I can't take it anymore," she groaned.

"Are you really that horny, Kyouka?"

"Yes, I need you now!"

I smirked at her desperation, and led her back to the bed. I threw off my clothes, as well as the rest of hers. I looked down at her throbbing clit, and gave it a little rub. She instantly moaned.

"You really want it that bad, huh?"

"Yes!" She yelled impatiently.

Teasing her some more, I moved back up to her breast and slipped one leg in between hers. She was clearly irritated with the lack of attention I was giving her, and decided to take matters into her own hands.

"How naughty of you," I said as she was trying to get off on my thigh.

I removed my leg and she groaned.

"Please Momo, I'm aching," she said trying to use her hands to rub herself.

I swatted her hands away, and began to lightly rub her. She was so wet from the teasing, I immediately went down on her. I flicked her clit with my tongue as she threw her head back in pure bliss. I stuck my tongue inside of her and looked up at her. She tangled her fingers through my hair, and guided my in and out movements. Her moans became louder, so I knew she was getting close. I pulled away from her like she did to me.

"Please, don't stop," she begged.

"I think you should suffer though," I said licking her lips.

"Please, Momo!" she cried.

I gave in and returned to circling her clit with my tongue. That's when her phone started to ring.

"Answer it," I commanded.

She objected, "Not while we're—"

"Then I'll stop."

She picked up the phone. I decided to start sucking on her clit, and she smashed her hand over her mouth.

"Hey, Ochako," she said trying to sound as natural as possible.

I shoved two fingers into her dripping opening and began to thrust them back and forth. It seemed like she was getting even more wet because of the excitement of possibly getting caught. I stuck in a third finger, and she bit her lip, trying to conceal the eager moans that wanted to explode from her mouth. Every time she spoke I could hear the quick gasp after it. I started to go faster and lick her clit at the same time, and she couldn't handle it.

"I have to go, I'll call you back," she quickly hung up the phone. "Holy fuck!"

She came all over my hand, and I licked it clean.

"It felt so good," she admitted lying on her back.

I kissed her on the cheek, "Look who was doing all the moaning now."

"Mhmm, but I swear if you make me do that again, Yaoyorozu."

"Aww you didn't like it?"

"Of course not!" She blushed.

"Well, your body begged to differ," I grinned.

"Stop using my own words against me!" She said hitting me.

"Alright, alright. But on a serious note, I'm going to take a shower. Wanna join me?" I offered.

"Yes," she replied.


"Momo, what the fuck?!" She said pointing to her neck.

"...I guess I got a little carried away."

"A little?! We have class tomorrow; people are going to see this!" She frowned at me.

"We can cover it up," I suggested.

She shook her head, "Yeah, but people will obviously be suspicious."

"Well, I think they look good on you," I replied with a wink.

Her face turned red, "T-That's besides the point!"

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