Why Didn't You Tell Me?

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Jirou's POV:I woke up to the sunlight peaking thorough my curtains

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Jirou's POV:
I woke up to the sunlight peaking thorough my curtains. I started to remember what happened last night and a smile crept onto my face. I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND! I rolled out of bed and saw a sheet of paper that was slipped underneath my door. I picked it up and read it. The paper read that we had no school today because all UA students and staff were getting interrogated due to illegal activities happening at school. I was slightly confused but unconcerned because I had nothing to hide. I looked at my phone, seeing lots of notifications from the Class 1-A group chat, but I ignored it and opened my messages to Momo. I was just about to text her, until I heard a knock at my door. I changed quickly, throwing on a random shirt and a pair of shorts, to answer the door. I opened the door to two cops who immediately entered my room.

"Hello?" I said cluelessly as they looked around my room.

They looked around high and low until they told me to have a seat.

"Are you aware of why student interrogations are being held this morning?" Asked a tall cop with blonde hair.


Both of the cops proceeded to ask me various questions and revealed that they were questioning me because a student was selling drugs. I had no idea about any of this, so they didn't ask too many questions. They believed my story and told me that they would come back if any suspicion arose around me. They also told me to report to my teachers, if I reasonably felt any suspicion about another student or if I learn any new information. They eventually left, and I collapsed back unto my bed. I decided to call Momo but she didn't pick up. I texted her several times and still no answer. I guess she was still asleep or something. I was bored and decided to read the group messages. When I saw the messages, I immediately sat up.

Class 1-A Messages:
Pink Bitch: Anyone know about what happened to Momo?
IcyHot: No
Engineum: No, is she alright?
Rip off Spider-Man : No, what?
Boom Boom Boy: Who tf cares, you woke me up for this shit.
Broccoli Boy: No, what happened?
Pink Bitch: I heard they caught her selling drugs.
Pervert: Damn didn't know the rich girl rolled that way!
Blonde Idiot: Of course it would be that slut!😂😂😂
Manly Shark Boy: That's not very manly of you to say, Kaminari.
Float Queen: I pretty sure that's not true stfu Mina.
Lily pad: I agree
Broccoli Boy: That can't be true
Emo Bird: Really?
IcyHot: Lies😑
Engineum: Yaoyorozu is the Vice President of our class, she wouldn't dare go against her own morals.
Boom Boom Boy: I'm going back to bed mfs.
Pink Bitch: Hey anti-gravity bitch, you don't have to believe me but my dorm is right across from hers and I saw our teacher pulling her ass outta there. It was probably around 5am or something.
Broccoli Boy: Anyone get a paper underneath their door?
Engineum: Yes
Float Queen: Yeah
Blonde Idiot: ye
Pervert: Yup
IcyHot: Yes
Emo Bird: Yep
Manly Shark Boy: Yeah
Rip off Spider-Man: Oh shit. It says we are going to be interrogated bc someone's doing some illegal shit. I wonder who that could be?😏
Pink Bitch: Exactly, proves my point!
Broccoli Boy: Mina's story does match up but I didn't expect it to be Momo.
Lily pad: This is a load of bullshit.
Float Queen: Yeah. Jirou, you need to look at your messages rn!!!
IcyHot: I still don't believe Momo would do this.
Engineum: Wow
Emo Bird: I thought Momo was better than this.
Pink Bitch: What's funny is I found the little hoe with a dude last Saturday!
Pervert: What a slut lol!
IcyHot: Pics or it didn't happen.
Broccoli Boy: No way! During our field trip???
Float Queen: Stop this foolishness, Ashido.
Pink Bitch:

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