Temporary Thrill, but Perpetual Problems

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Jirou's POV:I was surprised by how Momo was so flustered by the slightest touch, considering what she just did to me

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Jirou's POV:
I was surprised by how Momo was so flustered by the slightest touch, considering what she just did to me. Nevertheless, I was so happy that she had the same feelings for me, especially after all that worrying. I guess Ochako was right. I wanted to spend the rest of the night with Momo but I had to unpack my bags. I gave her a departing peck on the lips, and made my way back to my dorm.

Right when I entered my room, I squealed with excitement. I jumped on my bed and rolled around a bit hugging my pillow. I was so happy I couldn't contain it. I started to unpack my things, while thinking about Yaomomo. Then my phone started to ring. I picked it up and heard Ochako on the line.

   "Heyyy Romeo, how did it go? Give me the deets."
"I just confessed and she felt the same way."
   "It looked like more than just a heartfelt confession to me; it seemed a lot more intimate "
"I-I don't know what you're talking about."
   "Really? Cause y'all were basically devouring each other's mouths and—"
"I get it, alright!"
   "Well, are you guys going out?"
"Congrats! The Marvelous Musician and the Mesmerizing Millionaire, I ship it."
"How long did it take you to make up those dumb names?"
   "Forever. You don't like it?"
"Whatever. But thank you for you're support; I couldn't have done it without you!"
   "No problem. I'll always be there to help. Also, can I give you a word of advice?"
   "Watch out for Mina around Momo. I'm a bit suspicious of her."
"Alright, thanks. But can I ask why?"
   "I don't have enough evidence to back up my suspicions yet, but just be on the look out."
"Okay, bye."

Ochako's words somewhat concerned me. Was Mina bullying Momo too? I pretty sure Momo would've mention it to me, but she does have a tendency to hide things. I didn't want this to ruin my mood, so I shrugged it off. I went back to unpacking my suitcase and watched a little TV. I went to bed exhausted due to the events that occurred today. Little did I know the events that would transpire the next day.

Momo's POV:
After I settled back into my room, I threw myself onto my bed. I laid there thinking about all the things that I would be able to do with Jirou till I eventually fell asleep. I had forgotten the whole ordeal with Mina and Mineta and would soon be reminded. I woke up 5:00 am to knocking on my door. My drowsy mind allowed me to get up and answer the door. I wonder if it's Jirou? Did she really get up this early in the morning to see me? I opened the door and looked at the person standing there.

"Aizawa-sensei?" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Momo Yaoyorozu, put on some shoes and come with me now." He said in a stern voice.

"Alright," I said hurrying to get on my slippers.

I grabbed my jacket since I wasn't given anytime to change. I tried to grab my phone, but he told me I couldn't bring it. I followed him, mystified about where he was taking me. By the cold expression on his face, I could tell he wasn't about to reward me or something. This was some way to wake up. He took me into a private room that I had never seen before in all of my years of attending UA. He turned on the lights and we both entered inside. The room was cold. and I shivering in my short pajamas. There was a table with a chair  in the middle of the room that I was instructed to sit at. It looked liked there was a large mirror on the wall facing me. Wait...was I in an interrogation room?

Aizawa-sensei had the same cold expression from before and said, "Momo Yaoyorozu, you are going to be questioned about the illegal use and selling of drugs at our school."

My eyes widen as my heart dropped, "Sir wait, I can ex—"

He interrupted me,"Before you even think about lying and denying it, we have obtained evidence from an anonymous source."

He pulled out some photos that was in a folder sitting on the table. One image showed a close up of my hand with packages of cocaine in it. The second image showed me walking in a dark alley. The third image showed a blurred out figure handing me money. Then it all made sense. Mina had set me up from the very beginning. She blackmailed me with those fake photos to make me deliver drugs to Mineta, with the sole purpose of framing me. I guess when Mineta told me to watch my back that actually meant something. Someone must have been following me the whole time taking photos of me. I obviously knew those pictures where out of context but it's not like I could prove it. The photographer carefully made sure to just include me in the photos so I seemed like the dealer. When Mineta offered me cash it was just for the picture, it didn't matter if I declined or not. I was digging my own grave the entire time.

Aizawa-sensei looked at me disgusted and said, "Momo, I thought you were better then this. Selling drugs?! Do you know you will be arrested and charged with a felony? You're not a kid anymore and will suffer the punishment of an adult. You can kiss your dream of being a pro hero goodbye because now you're a criminal, the very same people we are supposed to lock up. There has been serval reporting of students receiving drugs from unknown sources, and you're our main suspect. Out of all of my students, I never thought you would do this."

"But sir—" I said standing up.

"Sit back down and be quiet," he yelled rather loudly. "We  have people going through your room right now, looking for any signs of drug use and possession. A detective will be coming in to investigate you and whether you choose to cooperate is up to you. Just know that you will stay in here all day until we get answers. You are not allowed to contact anyone. If we don't start getting answers, don't expect any privileges like food and breaks. And if you even try to use your quirk to harm anyone or to break out of here, we have teachers on standby ready to use necessary force. I have to cancel class today because I have to deal with your mess. Yaoyorozu, I am utterly disappointed in you."

With that, he left the room, locking the door, leaving me to my thoughts. Why did this have to happen to me? I don't know why people have the urge to try and break me down, but they have succeeded this time. I laid my head on the table while tears flowed from my eyes. I don't even know what to do. How am I supposed to explain that I was blackmailed to some educated detective when I don't have any proof? I should've just let Mina leak those fake photos so at least I would've been just bullied again and not freaking arrested. But they were going to involve Jirou in this and that's the last thing I wanted. She's shown me nothing but kindness, and she didn't deserve to be dragged into the middle of my problems. I wanted to spare her anymore trouble, so I was pretty much fucked either way.

I banged my head against the table screaming, "I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT!"

I hit it a little too hard and my forehead began to bleed. The room was filled with nothing but my loud sobbing as I waited for the detective to arrive.

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