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Jirou's POV: "Something feels soft

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Jirou's POV:
"Something feels soft."

I lifted my eyelids unhurriedly as I sat up. I had such a horrible hangover and laid back down. I soon realized I was laying in Momo's lap.

"What the hell," I said  blushing.

I popped right up and saw Momo sleeping with her head tilted to the side. How did I get here? I couldn't remember anything from last night, only the fact that I got drunk. Momo's eyes slowly opened and she looked at me.

"Good morning," she calmly greeted me.

I was so confused but I was able to say, "Mornin'."

She then told me to wait here and left out the door. I was waaay to confused to think and decided to take a nice, long shower. I was trying to remember the events of yesterday, but only a snippet came back. Why was I talking to Sero and Denki? Trying to remember yesterday only made my headache worse so I just gave up. When I came out the shower I saw Momo come in with a bag.

"I brought back some soup, you should eat it for your hangover. Also, make sure to drink lots of water; it rehydrates the body," she said setting the food on the table.

I sat down, "Thanks."

For most of the day, Momo and I kind of did our own thing. I was writing songs and listening to music, while Momo was reading some book and was writing in her reference book. She was probably studying the molecular structures of objects. I chuckled to myself thinking about how she was still studying even on a field trip.

Momo's POV:
I was jotting down some notes in my book of molecular structures, until Jirou sat next to me. She tapped my shoulder getting my attention.

"Uhhh...Momo do you um know what exactly happened yesterday?"

"I don't know; you tell me. I found you drunk last night," I said crossing my arms.

She took a deep breath, "I-I got drunk, but I can't remember what happened after that."

"Then you want to explain where you got the alcohol from?" I said closing my book.

"From some random guy on the street," she admitted.

"What in your right mind would make you go buy alcohol from some random stranger on the street? Why did you even get drunk in the first place?"

She didn't say anything, so I told her never mind.

She then asked, "How did you find me?"

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