I Love You

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Jirou's POV:We all listened anxiously to the radio device, while we heard a voice

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Jirou's POV:
We all listened anxiously to the radio device, while we heard a voice.

Audio from Spy Bug:
"Hey Mina!"
   "Hey Mineta, come inside."
*door shuts*
"The plan worked so perfectly, Mina! I can't believe they actually believed it too."
   "I know right. You still have those packages I made her give to you?"
"Hell no, I threw it away somewhere. I didn't want to actually be caught caught with cocaine. Where did you get it from anyways?"
   "*laughs* Mineta, chill man. They weren't actual drugs. You think I'm crazy enough to buy that just to frame one dumb girl?"
"Then what was it?"
   "I just put some of that gymnastics chalk in a small little bag, and she totally fell for it. She was probably so shaken up to notice. It looks good on camera though."
"Dayum, you're bad. Who took those pictures though?"
   "Some kid from Class-1B."
"Was it the same kid in that pic you sent in the group chat?
  "Yep, I heard he's had a crush on that hoe for some time. He actually even helped edit those pictures of her and him...for a price though. It was worth it since she was easily pressured into doing my bidding. Plus, threatening her with her little friend helped as well."
"Do you think she's really going to be arrested?"
   "Yeah, I think the plan was a success. We'll never have to see that ungrateful, rich bitch again."
"Yeah, but she was kind of hot. It wouldn't have hurt to do it with her once."
   "Ew shut up you nasty pervert."
"Says the petty liar who just doesn't want her to be around."
   "Whatever. But since this was such a success, I was thinking we could do this again."
"Have anyone in mind?"
   "Yeah, earphones. Since Jirou caused so much trouble for Sero, because her bitch ass friend was Momo, I thought we could frame her too. They'll think the two best friends had relations with this. Since a few students have actually been caught with drugs, they'll be quick to listen to anything that is said, lie or not."
"I agree, that flat ass bitch had my poor boy's face jacked up. He deserves some justice."
"Alright, I'm going out tonight so I'll speak again with you tomorrow."
"Okay, bye."
*door opens and closes*
*faint footsteps*

"It sounds like she walked into a different room....J-Jirou?" Ochako said looking at me.

My head was down and my fist were balled up. I didn't even care about what that bitch was planning against me, it was the fact that she proudly admitted that she harassed Momo into doing this. I wanted to march right in there and beat her ass, but Saiko brought me back to reality.

She placed her hand on my shoulder, "Jirou, if you want to get revenge, stick with the plan. Don't risk all of our progress because you want to act on a reckless impulse. Think logically, if you go in there and cause a commotion, you shorten the time and our likelihood of saving Momo. You need to go find her now!"

"You're right, c'mon guys!" I said clicking the save button on the device.

We rushed out the door and eventually made it inside the school.

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