Hold on Tight, Yaomomo!

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Jirou's POV:"Does anyone know exactly where Yosetsu's dorm room is?"

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Jirou's POV:
"Does anyone know exactly where Yosetsu's dorm room is?"

Everyone shook their head.

"Class 1-B's dorms are on the third floor, that's all I know," Saiko replied.

"Alright, we'll search for him there," I said putting on my shoes.

She looked at Uraraka, " Make sure your group is discreet while doing this, we don't want any teachers to be on to us. And before you go, can you make me some tea, dearie? I want to use my quirk to get this done more efficiently."

Ochako immediately said, "Sure!"

After that, Me, Tsu, and Ochako headed out the door. We took flights of stairs to the third floor, and when we opened the door, we froze. Vlad King stood there in the hallway looking through some papers. We made eye contact and none of us moved a muscle.

"What are you three doing in Class 1-B's dormitories?" He asked suspiciously.

I blurted out the first thing that came to my head, "Studying!"

"With who?" He asked rubbing his chin.

"Yosetsu Awase," I answered so stupidly.

I could feel Ochako nudge me a little for that stupid response.

"All three of you?" He asked coming closer to us.

I was mentally panicking, but luckily Ochako saved us.

She got from behind me and said, "Yes sir, I'm helping all of them study. I'm kind of doing a tutor group with all of them, and we decided to meet up at his dorm."

He stepped back, "Oh alright, you can proceed."

"Sir, if you could kindly tell us where his dorm is, that would be great. He forgot to tell us his dorm number," Tsu added.

"It's the room all the way down the hall," he replied.

If it wasn't for these two, we would've been done. We walked to the dorm at the end of the hallway, while constantly looking behind us to see if he was gone. Once the coast was clear, we knocked on Yosetsu's door.

He opened the door, "Hey, how can I help you girls?"

I immediately pushed him inside the room, and we all stepped into his surprisingly organized room. Tsu locked the door behind us and we all stared at him.

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