A Calculated and Strategic Plan

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Momo's POV:I heard a key unlocking the door, and Aizawa-sensei came in

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Momo's POV:
I heard a key unlocking the door, and Aizawa-sensei came in. He saw my head laying down on the desk and sighed.

"Yaoyorozu, lift your head up; they're here," he said in a more gentler tone then before.

I slowly sat up, "They're?"

Two detectives stepped into the room, one female and one male. I was caught off guard since he said there was going to be a detective questioning me. I heard my teacher leave, while the detectives stood at the door whispering to each other. The female detective, who went by Hana, was quite tall and slim and had long jet black hair. Let's just say she didn't have the nicest expression on her face. The male detective, who went by Yatsu, was shorter than her and had light brown hair. He looked way more nicer than Hana. I let out a small chuckle thinking about how they fit the description of "good cop/bad cop."

Hana approached me, slamming her hand on the table asking me, "Is something funny?"

"No," I replied with a blank look.

I wasn't going to allow her to scare me with her tough girl act, because I've been through worse.

"Hey Yatsu, I'm going to have a great time with this little bitch," she snarled.

The other detective rushed over to us, "You can't talk to her like that. We're suppose to question her, not insult her."

"Whatever!" She yelled back with a feisty tone.

He looked at me with pity, "Please ignore my partner. We are just here to ask you some questions about an incident involving you. I'm Detective Yatsu, my partner here is Hana, what's your name?"

I glared at him, "You already know my name. Skip the pleasantries, I know why you're here. Just get to the point so we can all move on with our lives."

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