Damsel in Distress

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Momo's POV:I woke up smelling the scent of lavender body wash

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Momo's POV:
I woke up smelling the scent of lavender body wash. I felt so comfortable that I kept my eyes closed for a moment, then open them. I then realized I was in the warm embrace of Jirou. I blushed looking up at my crush and then the memories of last night flashed over me. Jirou is always so kind to me; I don't think I can ever pay back the kindness she's shown me. As her arms were around my neck with her hand on the back of my head, keeping me in place, I couldn't help but fall for her even more.

I slowly slipped away from her grasp and grabbed my phone. I took a quick pic of Jirou's cute sleeping face. I brought my face a little closer to hers and started to poke her cheek. She scrunched up her face and whined. I decided to get up and go brush my teeth and hair. When I came out the bathroom I heard a lovely tune coming from her bedroom. I followed the music, which revealed a beautiful Jirou, with half her face lit up by the sunlight, plucking and strumming the strings and chords on her acoustic guitar. She sat on the edge of her bed tapping her foot against the ground. I decided to sit behind her on her bed, leaning a bit on her back. I closed my eyes letting the music fill my soul.

Jirou's POV:
I woke up patting the bed for Momo, but to my dissatisfaction, she wasn't there. I sat up realizing she probably went to the bathroom. As I waited for her to come out, I pulled out my guitar. I started to play a song I was working on, then I noticed Momo standing at the door. She looked much happier compared to yesterday and made her way to my bed. She sat down behind me and leaned against me, while I continued my song. We sat there in complete silence while I played my guitar.

I took a peek at my alarm clock, "OH SHIT!"

My sudden outburst caused my hand to slip and make a weird sound on the guitar.

Momo jumped and said, "What's wrong?"

"We're going to be late for class!"

We both rushed getting ready and chugged down some cereal. We ran into class with a minute to spare, and we entered right as the bell ringed.

We sighed in relief, then Mr. Aizawa said, "Welcome ladies," crossing his arms.

We took our seats and Mr. Aizawa started his lesson. During class, I looked over at Momo, who was taking notes. She looked very focused to the boring stuff our teacher was talking about compared to everyone else. I was twirling my earphone jacks until Mr. Aizawa caught my attention.

"We're going on a school trip to the city of Osaka," he said in a not-so thrilled tone.

The whole class basically went crazy when they heard that.

"Quiet down!" He continued, "We will leave on Friday and come back on Monday. Start packing your stuff today and be ready bright and early at 6:00 am on Friday. If you're not there waiting for the bus to arrive, I will leave you. So you can enjoy sitting in an empty classroom if you come late. That's all, you're dismissed for today."

Everyone got up and left out the classroom. I looked around looking for Momo, but I couldn't see her anywhere in the crowded halls. I called her multiple times, looking around everywhere, but I didn't find her anywhere in the school. I assumed she already had left and headed back to my dorm.

Momo's POV:
I was so excited to go on the field trip and get closer to Jirou! As I walked out the classroom to the crowded hallway, I pulled out my phone to text Jirou. As I was typing, I was pushed from behind. I fell on the ground scratching my knees up a bit and was soon pinned down by someone. I noticed the hallways were empty and I couldn't scream out for help. I looked up and saw Sero above me. Standing next to him were Denki and Mineta.

"Hey slut," he said taping me up with his quirk while the others held me down. Denki took my phone and I was left defenseless.

Mineta looked at my bloody knees and said, "Look guys, she scrapped up her knees. People will definitely think she likes to suck dick now."

The boys laughed and I bit Sero's hand he had dangling at his side. He yelped as I sank my teeth deeper into his skin. That ended quickly as he smacked me super hard in the face. He taped my mouth shut and they dragged me into some dark room.

They looked at me then said, "We'll see you tomorrow, stupid bitch."

They left and locked the door behind them, snickering as they left.

I laid there on the floor with tears falling down my face like rain. I started to panic and hyperventilate in the dark room. I wished Jirou was here to save me like she always does, but I couldn't even contact anyone. I did so much heavy breathing I think I passed out on the cold floor.

Jirou's POV:
As I completed my homework, I noticed that it was already 6:00 pm. I stretched out my arms and pulled out my phone. I texted Momo to see what she was up to. She didn't respond or even read the text. 30 minutes later only then did it hit me I never saw her leave school and she never called me back.

"I'm so stupid!"

I grabbed a jacket and slipped on my shoes. I rushed over to her dorm room banging on the door.

"Momo, are you in there?!" I yelled.

There was no answer, so I open her door. I looked around the room, and she was nowhere to be found. It can't be. I ran out of our dormitories to the school. Fortunately, they didn't lock down the school yet.

"Please don't tell me she's still in here!"

I just wanted to be sure she wasn't still at school, so I tried to use my quirk to listen to see if I heard anything. I couldn't hear anything, so I went around searching every room. UA is huge, but I was determined to check if she was there. Eventually, I opened a door and was horrified about what I saw.

"Momo, wake up!" I said shaking her.

She laid there on the floor of some closet all taped up motionless. I ripped the tape off of her mouth that look like it was giving her trouble to breathe. She took a deep breath, but she was still unconscious. She had a red hand mark on her face and a her knees were bleeding. I could tell she was crying because of the dried up tears on her face. I wanted to cry looking at her. I used my ear jack to ripped the tape off of her, freeing her from the confinement. I put my jacket around her to keep her warm. I looked at the tape carefully.

"Don't tell me Sero did this shit."

I tried to wake Momo up but she wasn't moving. I placed my hand on her chest to check her heartbeat. It was high, but it was calming down. I summoned all of my strength to pick her up and carry her on my back. I carried her all the way to my dorm room and plopped her on the bed. I changed her back into the pjs she left at my place this morning. No, I did not try anything. I cleaned and bandaged up her knees. I put some ointment on the red hand mark on her face. I also noticed the marks the tape left that cut into her skin and I put some ointment on them too. I wiped her tear dried face with a washcloth and tucked her in my bed.

I decided to sleep on the couch to let her get some proper rest.

"When I find out who did this, I'll kick the fuck out of them mercilessly. No one will stop me, and I'm not going to stop," I said quietly to myself clenching my fist.

Author's Note:
I'm think I'm going to try to post two times a week. Thanks for reading.
-Much Love, ThePalmtopTiger89

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