Shut Up

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Jirou's POV:Words can't comprehend how I feel about the whole situation

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Jirou's POV:
Words can't comprehend how I feel about the whole situation. Of course I didn't want to break up with her, but I didn't want her to leave UA because of me. She probably hates me now, but that's what I wanted in the first place. I hope she can find happiness, even if it's not with me. I tried to cope with my sadness through music, but it just reminded me of her. Especially, when I picked up that fucking guitar.

I only saw her in class, but she definitely was avoiding me. If we encountered each other, she would greet me like normal, and then move on. Every time I glanced over at her in class she looked worn out and depressed. I could tell she was taking it hard. My eyes started to water just looking at her.

"You will be doing a 3 mile run today," Mr. Aizawa said standing in front of us.

The whole class whined and complained until he said, "If you don't shut it, I'll make it 4. And no quirks are allowed during this activity."

We all lined up on a wide trail in our gym outfits. I was never good at running, so I wasn't even bothered with coming in first.

When Mr. Aizawa shouted "Go!" everyone took off. I was keeping a fairly good pace, trying not to tire myself out. 15 minutes in, some people ran past me and I looked behind me to see how behind I was. I sped up a little and heard Todoroki's voice calling out for help.

"What's wrong?" I yelled to him.

"It's Momo!" He said yelling back.

I immediately rushed over to him, and saw Momo leaning up against Todoroki.

"I think she fainted, but I caught her before she hit the ground."

Mr. Aizawa soon came running over to us.

"What happened?" He asked.

Todoroki tried to stand her up, "She fainted."

"Take her to the infirmary right away," he commanded.

Todoroki managed to pick her up and carry her to Recovery Girl. I tried to follow, but Mr. Aizawa pull me back.

"We don't need three students missing. You can go see her when class is over.".

I felt shameful and disgusted with myself. I couldn't be there for her, but a part of me felt like it was for the best. In reality, it wasn't, and guilt was consuming me. I ran faster than I've ever have to finish this damn run.

"Now that all students have finished the 3 mile run, class is dismissed," Mr. Aizawa said walking away.

I instantly ran through the halls of U.A. I probably tripped a couple of times, but I didn't care. When I busted through the doors of the infirmary, I saw Momo lying down on one of the hospital beds.

I hurried over to her side.

"Is she alright?" I asked Recovery Girl, who was standing next to her.

Can't Live Without You {MomoJirou}Where stories live. Discover now