Uncommunicated Feelings

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Jirou's POV:We entered a restaurant called The Casual Kaiseki

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Jirou's POV:
We entered a restaurant called The Casual Kaiseki. We sat in a booth and ordered our food. Momo ordered sukiyaki and I ordered sashimi. We ate and talked sitting across from each other.

Momo looked at me and said, "Jirou, thank you for everything."

I swallowed my food, "What do you mean?"

"You've been my friend since the very beginning and have always supported me. If I was ever feeling down, you've always shown me genuine kindness to lift me back up. I can't ever thank you enough for being by my side," she said with a smile.

I was so flustered by what she had just said that all I could muster out was, "N-no problem."

She continued, "You've got something, Jirou."

"I've got something?" I questioned with my cheeks turning pink.

"Yeah, on your face," she answered reaching over and brushing a grain of rice off my cheek. (Adrien Agreste approves🐈‍⬛)

I got super embarrassed and excused myself to the bathroom. I looked myself in the mirror and slapped my cheeks with both hands.

"Get it together, Jirou!"

I exited the restroom and returned to the table.

Momo looked at me worried, " Jirou, your cheeks are red. Are you not feeling well?"

I quickly answered, "No, I'm fine! Ummm...let's ask for the check."

"I already paid it," she replied.

"Why? We were supposed to be splitting it!"

Momo chuckled, "Jirou, I'm rich. It doesn't really matter and it was my treat anyways. Hypothetically, I could create more money if I needed to."

"You're gonna ruined the economy like that," I muttered.

Momo pushed me out the restaurant saying we had more plans.

Confused, I asked her, "What do you mean we have more plans?"

"You'll see," she said enthusiastically.

Turns out Momo had booked a whole bunch of stuff for us to do today. I adored how she dragged me through the streets taking me to new places. Sometimes we had to take the subway to the places she took me to. We visited the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, The National Museum of Art, The Tempozan Ferris Wheel, and the Tsūtenkaku Tower. Our day was filled with fun and laughter. It was getting very dark and we watched how the lights of the city glowed up the area. We walked through the streets talking, as I clung to her arm.

We decided to sit down on a bench close to our hotel. Exhausted, we sat down to rest and relax for a second.

"I had so much fun today," I yelled loudly.

Can't Live Without You {MomoJirou}Where stories live. Discover now