One Liar and One Idiot

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Jirou's POV:A couple of weeks went by, and we returned to our normal lives

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Jirou's POV:
A couple of weeks went by, and we returned to our normal lives. One day after class, I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door only to find Cori, the chauffeur, standing there. He had a woeful expression on his face.

"Hey Cori, is everything okay?"

He hesitated and didn't say anything.

"Is Momo alright?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes, she's fine. It's just...Mr. and Mrs. Yaoyorozu are waiting outside to speak to you."

"Me?" I questioned.

"Yes, they want to speak to you regarding your relationship with their daughter," he said in a disappointed tone.

By the look on his face, I could tell they didn't want to sit down and have a nice chat. This must've been why Momo was worried.

"Alright," I said following him out the door.

He led me to her parent's car, which was an even more fancier limo than Momo's. What was with this family and casually pulling up to public places in limousines? I climbed inside and greeted both of her parents.

"Mr. Yaoyorozu. Mrs. Yaoyorozu." I said, slightly bowing my head.

"Have a seat," said her mother.

Her father started the conversation.

"I don't know what kind of relationship you think you are in with my daughter, but you are not turning her into a homosexual."

I took a deep breath, "Sir, I'm not turning her into anything, she loves me and I love her back, I just so happen to be a girl."

"I know you've brainwashed her into your devil worshiping acts!" He yelled. "People like you are a disgrace to this planet. I want you to break up out of that sinful relationship with her."

I tried to reason with him again, "But sir, I really do love Momo. I would do anything to be by her side, please be more open minded. I promise to take care of her and give her the world, just please—"

Her mother interrupted me, "Young lady, could this change your mind?"

She opened a brief case filled with money.

"It's all yours, just stay away from our daughter," she replied.

I was completely repulsed by their bribery, which cause me to lash out, "Hell no! Don't you see I genuinely love her. No amount of money would ever persuade me to break up with her."

Her father sighed, "I could care less about how you feel. If people knew that the daughter of such a wealthy family participated in these lesbian affairs, do you know what people would think and say about us? You can't even fathom the impacts this will have on my business and her pro hero career."

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