Mini Momo [Part 3]

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A/N: I wasn't feeling very well yesterday or today, but now that I feel a bit better here's your chapter.

Jirou's POV:
Momo was yanking on my shirt, trying to get my attention.

"Momo, you know I'm busy at the moment."

"I want to go to the park!" She cried.

"Well let me finish my homework first, then we can go to the park."

"I want to go now!" She said, stomping her foot at me.

"Hey, what did I say about doing that? Now we're not going at all."

She slumped down to the ground, crying her eyes out. She started kicking her feet and screaming at me. After 15 unbearable minutes of nonstop whining, I gave in.

"Okay, okay, fine."

Her waterworks instantly stopped when she was getting what she wanted. I put her on some clothes suited for outside. I packed a backpack of all the necessary items we might need. We were walking through the common room until we were stopped by a few of our classmates.

"Where are you guys going?" Asked Deku.

"To the park before Momo has another meltdown about it."

"Have fun!" exclaimed Ochako.

"You better watch over that little runt!" Bakugo added.


As we made our way to the park, Momo was skipping while holding my hand. I let go of her once we reached the playground, but instead of running to go play, she hid behind me.

"Momo, what's wrong? Don't you want to go play?" I said, looking behind me at the small girl hiding her face in my clothes.

She shook her head, "There's too many people."

I patted her on the head, "You don't have to talk or play with the other kids if you don't want to."

"Play with me," she said grabbing my hand.

"M-Me? Well alright, what do you want to play?"


I sat there in the sandbox, where Momo had abandoned me. It didn't take her long to find some new friends to play with. She just completely forgot about me and ran off with them. She was playing tag with a group of random kids. She was talking and giggling, having the time of her life.

"They grow up so fast," I said, wiping an imaginary tear from my eye.

I stood up, dusting off my pants. I wouldn't dare sit on the benches next to the parents of the children. I did not want to have an awkward conversation about "Who's yours?" or "Do you think it's a good idea to set up a play date with our children?" I internally shuddered at these questions. I was watching Momo run around, until she tripped and fell.

"Shit," I muttered, running over to her.

She started to cry, and the kids around her tried to comfort her. I picked her up, gently pulling her head against my shoulder. She cried into my shoulder as I moved her away from the playground. I rubbed gentle circles on her back to comfort her.

"It's alright. Are you hurt?" I spoke softly.

"M-My knee," she said in between sobs.

I sat her down on an empty bench, going through the backpack. She had skinned up her knee a bit.

I put a band-aid on her scrape and kissed it, "Look all better now."

Her tears gradually stopped, "T-Thank you, Mommy."

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