Coming On Stage And Out Closets

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Jirou's POV:Everyday after class, I would have to go to Studio Gladiator for rehearsals

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Jirou's POV:
Everyday after class, I would have to go to Studio Gladiator for rehearsals. I barely had any time to do anything else, and couldn't see Momo very often. She would drop me off, pick me up, then I would be dead tired when I got back to UA. Of course we talked a little in class and on the weekends, but it was different than being around her 24/7 like I used to be. We couldn't do anything special, since I was either practicing or sleeping. I missed her.

The day before the bash, Momo had texted me while I was in my last rehearsal.

Momo's Messages:
Yaomomo❤️: Hey Jirou, today Cori will be coming to pick you up by himself when you're done. Sero and Ojiro asked me to help them study, and I couldn't refuse.

Alright, that's fine. I'll stop by your dorm when I'm done.

Yaomomo❤️: I'll be waiting, love you😘.

Love you too💓.

I sighed because Momo wasn't coming to pick me up, but at least I would be able to see her later. But later became much later. I got out of rehearsals at 10:00 pm and was pissed. Usually we get out at 8, but today they kept us longer because the big day was tomorrow. I thought it was stupid, since you're supposed to get proper rest before an event. I hurried out the building and saw Cori leaning up against the limo waiting for me.

"Miss Yaoyorozu requested your pick up," he said opening the door.

No matter how many times I enter this vehicle, I always get this weird, awkward feeling. Cori and I made small talk to past the time. I couldn't really tell what he was like before, but he's a pretty cool guy.

"Good luck tomorrow," he said climbing back into the car.

"Thanks," I said as he drove away.

I went to my dorm room to put my guitar and amp away. I looked at the back of the neck of my new guitar and noticed small words I had never seen before. It said, "Rock on! -Momo." I smiled at the words until realization hit me.

"Oh shit!" I yelled out loud.

I had forgotten to stop by Momo's dorm and it was already super late. I immediately left and went to her dorm. I knocked on the door a few times, but she didn't answer. I twisted the doorknob and the door opened.

I came inside saying, "You shouldn't leave your door unlocked like that, Momo."

I closed the door and saw Momo had fallen asleep on her desk. I slowly made my way closer to her, observing her sleeping face under her lamp. She had a little drool coming out her mouth, as she had her arms crossed and head down. I tried to wipe it off, and she tried to snuggle into my hand. My heart was going to explode from cuteness, until I noticed the piece of paper in front of her. Out of curiosity, I decided to read it.

Can't Live Without You {MomoJirou}Where stories live. Discover now