Protective & Provocative (Smut)

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Chapter Warning: Contains Smut

Jirou's POV:The CEO came from backstage and examined us

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Jirou's POV:
The CEO came from backstage and examined us. He was a bald, short man who wore a suit that looked two sizes too big for him. He observed the other two participants and gave them the okay, but when he got to me he gave me a weird look.

"No, this one isn't going to work. Can you choose another musician to perform?" He said, looking back at the judges.

My heart dropped as he said that.

The judge from before spoke up, "But sir, she's the most talented one out of the group. There's no other person that could compare to her performance."

"Yeah, the talents not the problem, it's her appearance. She's a little too short, she's flat, her hair needs to be longer, and I don't like those things hanging from her ears," he said looking at me disgusted.

The judge defended me once more, "Sir, isn't that just your opinion? Which is very problematic, if I do say so myself. Aren't we supposed to be judging for talent and skill, not appearance?"

"Shut it. I'd rather have a mediocre musician with good looks, than an above average musician who's ugly. Don't you understand our reputation is at stake. The Yaoyorozu's are sponsoring us at their event, we don't need to leave a bad impression on them with this girl. Now, that's enough or I'll fire you!" He said in a harsh tone.

My eyes began to fill with tears. This reminded me of the doubtful thoughts I had earlier about why Momo would date a person like me. I was making my way off stage about to breakdown because of my own lack of self esteem.

"Oh really, David? I think she's perfect," said an unknown, yet very familiar voice.

A tall figure made its way towards the stage. It was Yaomomo?! She was smiling, but it didn't look genuine.

Momo's POV:
"I'll report the things we discussed today to my parents, since they're out of the country at the moment. They'll return next week, and will speak to you expecting a laid out plan for the event. Thank you for your time," I said ending the meeting.

The meeting was so long and boring and lasted for a couple of hours. I immediately headed to the room where Jirou would be performing. Luckily, it looked like I arrived on time since she was making her way up the stage. I sat in the very back, since most of the spectators seats were taken. She looked kind of nervous, but then began.

With each strum her confidence grew. The other participants looked upon my girlfriend with  amazement. Her fingers danced across the fretboard, and her chords filled the room with a thrilling sensation. I heard small whispers from the people around me. "Who is that girl?" "Where did she learn how to play like that?" "I heard she's a student from U.A." " She's definitely going to be performing at the Yaoyorozu Bash."

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