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Momo's POV:"Thanks, Mina, I'll be there in 10 minutes

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Momo's POV:
"Thanks, Mina, I'll be there in 10 minutes."

I drove to the address of the bar Mina gave me. I opened the door to the smell of alcohol and the noise of music and people. I was looking around until someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"She's over there," Mina said pointing at one of the stools at the table of the bar.

"Thank you for watching her," I replied.

"No problem. She drank a lot even though she's such a lightweight," she chuckled.

I went over to Kyouka who was passed out with her head on the table.

"Kyouka, get up," I said shaking her.

She woke up and said, "Hi beautiful, who are you?"

I sighed, "Why do you always forget me when you're drunk?"

"D-Do I know you?"

"Guess," I said, folding my arms.


"You don't even go to school anymore."



"Damn this, I'm tired," she replied, resting her head back on the table.

"No, wake up," I lightly hit her on the back of the head.

She sat up and squinted at me, "Don't tell me...are you my girlfriend or something?"

"Still wrong."

"Well shit, I give up."

She looked to the bartender and asked for another drink, but I told him not to give her another. She proceeded to flick me off, and I could only rub my temples to keep my composure.

"Are you my fucking mom or something? Why can't I have another drink?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"You've definitely have had enough for today. You can't even control your mouth. And it's rude to call your wife your mom."

"I'm married? Wooowww."

"Get up," I yanked her off the stool slightly annoyed.

"Where are you taking me, cutie?"

"Just shut up and come on," I said, helping her walk out the door.

Once I put her in the passenger's seat and buckled her up, she fell right asleep. I had to carry her inside the house, since she decided not to wake up. Once I set her down on the couch, she immediately started to stir.

"Looks who's up now," I said taking off my jacket.

"Come sit down," she replied, patting the cushion next to her.

Can't Live Without You {MomoJirou}Where stories live. Discover now