When Dreams Become Reality(Smut)

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Chapter Warning: Contains Smut

Jirou's POV:"Sit on the table," Momo said, staring at my naked body

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Jirou's POV:
"Sit on the table," Momo said, staring at my naked body.

I did as I was told and sat on the edge of the dining table. She pushed me back making me lay flat on the smooth wood. She pried my shut legs open. She kissed my inner thighs before leaving hickeys on them. I bit my lip as an attempt to hold back my moans.

I sat up on my elbows, "Y-Yaomomo, this seems a bit lewd."

"Really? You're body seems to like it though," she said taking my nipple into her mouth.

I moaned as she licked and sucked each one. She planted kisses on my neck and collarbone, then moved down to my torso. She hovered over my sweet spot. She looked up at me and flicked it with her tongue. She started with slow licks over me. I covered my mouth, trying to suppress the noises coming from my mouth.

"You taste so good," she said sticking a finger inside of me.

"AH~" I moaned as she started pumping her finger in and out of me.

I threw my head back. It felt so good, I wanted her to add another finger.

Then I noticed the wetness of my underwear.

I felt so frustrated when I woke up from my hot sex dream, but that was the least of my worries. I realized I had been grinding against something...which was Momo's leg. I looked up and found two attentive eyes on a blushing face peering above me. WHAT HAVE I DONE?!

Momo's POV:
I had woken up a bit earlier than usual and sat up. I was looking through my phone, until Jirou rolled over and latched herself onto me. She wrapped her arms around my stomach and put her leg in between mine. She squinted her eyes like she was thinking about something, and I started to pat her head.

"What are you dreaming about, darling?" I asked, rubbing her back.

She then started to adjust herself, while murmuring inaudible words. I thought she was repositioning her leg until she started to press herself into me.

"J-Jirou, are you awake?!"

She didn't answer and was clearly asleep. She started to grind against my leg, and she tighten her grip around me. I didn't know what to do and just sat there blushing. I didn't want to wake her since she seemed to be really enjoying herself, but the thought of her getting off on me was turning me on.

I heard her mumble my name before slowing down. Her eyes flew open and she looked up at me. My blushing state combined with her embarrassed face caused unwanted awkwardness. She immediately got off of me and started apologizing.

I spoke once I regained my composure, "Wet dream, huh?"

She looked away and blushed, "Y-Yes."

"Did you finish?" I asked climbing on top of her.

"What do you mean?" she said trying to move.

I pinned her to the bed, "You know what I mean, Kyouka Jirou. Did you orgasm?"

"Why are you asking me that?" She said covering her flustered face.

"After you were shamelessly grinding against me in your sleep, I guess I'm just curious."

She hesitated, "N-No, I didn't."

"Want me to help?" I offered.

Jirou's POV:
I was drawn in by her lustful eyes, "Please."

She took my shirt off and threw it to the side. She started to fondle my breast and kiss and lick my neck. I let out a soft moan as a warm electrifying sensation rushed over me. She stopped and kissed me on the lips. She slipped her hand down my sweatpants and underneath my underwear. She rubbed me for a brief moment. I knew she could feel how soaked I was and gave me a mischievous grin. She pulled her hand out of my pants and showed me her fingers soaked in my juices.

"What were you possibly dreaming about that made you this wet? Do tell," she said spreading her index and middle finger, examining my fluids connected between them.

"You," I mumbled.

"You're going to have to speak up, Kyouka," she said, tracing her thumb against my lips.

"I was dreaming about doing it with you, alright."

"Oh? Am I that irresistible you dream about me now?" She said, sliding her hand up and down my body.

I grabbed her by the shirt and pulled her down, making her closer to my face, "You're damn right."

She immediately attacked my lips with hers and pushed her tongue into my mouth. While we made out, her hand made its way back into my pants. This time she pressed her palm against me, making me grind into it. I was about to cum too quickly. As her lips parted from mine, I snatched her hand from out of my pants. She looked at me and confused.

"Momo, please go down on me," I asked desperately.

Her confused state soon disappeared into smugness, "You're so spoiled, Kyouka."

She quickly ripped off my pants and underwear. Her wet, warm tongue began to glide over my opening to my clit. I was already getting close again, and she barely had started. She started to lick me faster, and I tangled my fingers through her hair.

I couldn't hold back any longer, "M-Momo, I'm going to cum."

My hips began to rise on their own as I hit my climax, letting out a loud moan. Momo licked up all of my cum and licked her lips.

"Fuck, you're good," I replied, receiving a soft chuckle in return.

I was in pure bliss until the alarm on her phone went off.

"Guess it's time to get ready for school," she rolled out of bed like nothing happened.


"I'm starving," I said sliding on a grey cardigan.

"Well I'm not. I had a delicious meal this morning," Momo said squishing my cheeks.

I blushed, "Stop it."

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