A Hopeful Future

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All the miles that were leaving us scarred
Never managed to keep us apart
It was only a matter of time
Now there's nothing that I'd ever change
Not a word that I'd whisper in vain
There is so much about you I love

And it is real, like never before
Let's open that door and find out together
What we've waited for
You're all that I ever wanted and more

– “Forever” by Long Story Short

Chapter 52: A Hopeful Future

            “How was your date?” Freya asked as soon as I entered the apartment.

            I slung my backpack onto the ground and frowned at her. “How do you know I was on a date?”

            Freya smirked as she leaned against the counter. “It’s late. You should have been home hours ago. How was your date?”

            I shrugged. “It was good.” I walked past her into the living room. “We went to dinner and a movie.”

            She clapped her hands together. “How classic! Everything is going well then?”

            I sat down on the couch and looked up at her. “Actually, it has been.” Not that much had changed since we started dating, but there was definitely less tension and more peace in the air.

            Freya smiled at me as she sat down beside me. “That’s great. I knew you two would work out well together.”

            “Well, we just started dating, but it does seem that might be the case.” For once, I was hopeful. Everything in my life just seemed t be getting better. Now to work on my roommate…

            Thursday afternoon, I found myself waiting in my office for a scheduled appointment with Rob. I finally tracked him down and told him I needed to talk to him. He appeared thoroughly confused, but I assured him it was important.

            He arrived five minutes late, though I was relieved to see him nonetheless. “Hey, Lauren,” he said as he closed the door behind him. He had a confused smile on his face. “What’s up?” He walked over and took his usual seat perpendicular to me.

            “Hi, Rob. Thanks for coming. I was just wondering how you and Freya were doing.”

            He blinked. “We’re good.”

            “Did you have a good time at the dance?”

            He smiled at this. “It was awesome.”

            “Do you still have feelings for her?”

            He nodded. “Of course.”

            “Then why didn’t you tell her?”

            His smile faded, and he glanced down at his hands folded in his lap. “I didn’t think he needed to know. She doesn’t seem to return them, and she doesn’t think we could make a relationship work. Why complicate our friendship with feelings?” He lifted his head to look at me, and I could see that he was confused and torn.

            My expression softened as I gazed at him. “I understand how you feel, but maybe she doesn’t think it will work because she doesn’t know about your feelings. She might be willing to give it a try if she knew how much you cared about her.”

            “Maybe. I don’t want to do anything to hurt our friendship either. Right now, maybe it’s best to stick with her idea.”

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