Don't Be Noticed

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My world has changed, and so have I
I've learned to choose
And even learned to say goodbye

The path ahead's so hard to see
It winds and bends, but where it ends
Depends on only me

In my heart I don't feel part of so much I've known
Now it seems it's time to start
A new life on my own

– “Where Do I Go From Here?” by Pocahontas

Chapter 18: Don’t Be Noticed

            I got to work early on Monday so that I could watch the team practice a bit. The last preseason game was on my mind. It would be against the Giants, as always. I was returning to New York. Though the game did not mean anything, I knew the press would be watching me intensely. I wanted to try to avoid them.

Rob saw me as he jogged off the practice field, and a smile lit up his face. “Hey, Lauren.” I was surprised when he gave me a hug, but I hugged him back.

“Hey, Rob. Good practice?”

He nodded. “Yep. I’ll see you later.” He turned and jogged towards the exit. I smiled as I watched him leave.

“Why do you get along so easily with him?”

I turned to see Brady watching me with an expression I could not read. I was not sure what to make of his question. I the wanted an honest answer, I could not really give him one. There was just something about Rob that was attractive to me. He almost reminded me of my oldest brother Cooper. “Because he’s not you,” I replied.

Brady frowned. “You like me. You just won’t admit it.”

I rolled my eyes. “Right. You drive me crazy. What’s to like about that?”

“I like you.”

The way he said it so calmly caused me immense frustration. “See? Right there. You can’t do that.” I clenched my teeth, turned, and started towards the exit. I heard him jog after me. I did not want to like him. What was so hard to understand about that?

“Rob invited me to your pool party,” Brady said as he walked with me.

I frowned. “I knew I should not have trusted him with the guest list. Why would he do something like that?”

He likes me.”

The mention of the party brought someone else to mind. “Do you know who else likes you? My new roommate, Freya. She moved in from Boston on Saturday. Actually, I’m pretty sure she’s kind of obsessed with you.” We had not had many conversations since our initial meeting, but about half had revolved around him. That girl had a problem.

Brady grinned.”Really?”

“I told her I would let her meet you if she never said anything bad about Peyton and Eli.”

“You didn’t ask me before making this offer?”

I glanced at him. “Do you want her to drive me crazy too? Scratch that. I should have known.”

“Nah, I’ll meet her. There will be plenty of others who will give you trouble, and you have to live with this one.”

“Thanks,” I said somewhat skeptically. I never knew what to think when he did something nice.

“Does she like the Red Sox?”

“Yeah. She loves all Boston sports, but the Patriots are her favorite.” It was kind of cool to have someone to talk to about sports. Maybe we would be able to find some sort of common ground.

“Cool.” We had reached the stadium and now had to part ways. “Have fun at work.”

I merely glanced at him and nodded.


            Classes began the last day of August. I was almost reluctant to go because I had enjoyed my free time up until then. At the same time, I was excited to take new classes and continue learning. I only had two classes on Tuesday, and both were before lunch. It was nice to start off slow.

            I had Constitutional Law at 9:30 in the morning. People who knew me were always saying I should be a lawyer. I probably had the mind for it, but it was just not interesting to me. However, I did enjoy American history and politics, so learning about the Constitution seemed an interesting endeavor.

            The classroom was set up in rows of table that sat two. I took a seat next to a girl and took out my textbook. A few minutes later, the professor introduced himself and then began to read the enrollment list. When he said my name, several people looked in my direction.

            “Here,” I said with a nervous smile. I was glad I was at a private school and not a public one where the majority where from the state.

            “Manning,” the professor murmured, more to himself than anyone else. “Interesting.” Then he resumed calling out names.

            After we went over the syllabus, we were free to leave, and I was glad to get out of there. I had not gone far, however, when I heard someone call out: “Hey! Manning!”

            I inwardly groaned as I turned around to face the person. It was a guy from my class. “Yes?” I said impatiently.

            “You’re working for the Patriots, aren’t you?”

            “Yes,” I said slowly, unsure of his intentions.

            The boy grinned. “That’s awesome. I’m Josh.”

            “Lauren.” I turned and resumed walking down the hall. I heard the boy follow me. I found him annoying. He reminded me of Brady.

            “What do your brothers think about that?”

            “They respect my choice,” I said as nicely as I could. He was really testing my patience. “Now, if you don’t mind, I have places to be.”

            Josh blinked. “Oh, ok. I’ll see you later.”

            “Yeah, later,” I mumbled. I could hardly wait.


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