Set Up

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Love has been right by your side
Oh, so close that you couldn't see
If love could speak, it would shout to the sky:
'I've always been here, I always will be'

I'm here, I'm now
Open your eyes and see me
Right here, right now
Open your eyes to love

– “Open Your Eyes (To Love)” by LMNT

Chapter 48: Set Up

            “We need to go to the Boston Bash this year,” Freya said over dinner Monday night.

            I frowned as I twirled spaghetti on my fork. “The Boston Bash?”

            Freya nodded. “It’s the dance our school holds in December at a hotel in Boston. I was going to go last year, but my date got sick. Since we’re seniors, I think we should both go.”

            I thought about it for a few seconds. “Dances can be fun, but who would I go with? No one has asked me.”

            My roommate clapped her hands together in glee. “Oh, it’s a month out; we have plenty of time to find us both dates, and there’s nothing wrong with the girl asking the guy.” A thoughtful look crossed her face. “I’ve had some trouble with guys, so I’ll have to choose carefully.”

            I immediately snapped to attention. This was my chance to give her some advice about love. “I told you that you should try getting to know a guy as a friend first before dating him. And you don’t have to start by befriending a guy you want to date; look at guys who are already your friend. What do you think about Rob?”

            Freya blinked. “Gronk? He’s an awesome friend. He’s fun, funny, caring, sweet, and he’s always there for me.”

            “Great! Why don’t you go out with him?”

            Her eyes widened in surprise. “What? But he’s my friend!”

            I inwardly groaned. Had she not been listening to anything I had just been saying? “That’s the point. You already know you get along with him, so why not? He’s not bad looking either.” Plus, he was a New England Patriot. There were probably scores of girls dreaming of the chance to go out with him.

            “Well, that’s true, but it would still be awkward. What if he doesn’t want to go out with me?”

            I raised my eyebrows at her. “You’ve never worried about that before. Besides, he totally likes you already.”

            “How would you know?”

            “Hey, I may have trouble interpreting my own feelings, but I can read other people pretty well. I think you should give him a chance.”

            “I will if you give Tom a chance.”

            Her response took me back, and did not know what to say at first. She had me there. While in my mind I knew the reasons there was no contradiction, perhaps for her sake I could appease her. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”

            “Really?” She paused. “I suppose that’s a start. Let’s both sleep on it.”

            I nodded. “Alright.” That was fine for now.

            “But we’re definitely going to the dance, right?” She grinned at me.

            I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and instead gave her a small smile. “Yes, we’re going to the dance.”

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