New York

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I wish we could be laughing
Instead I'm standing here asking
Do we have to end this now?
Can we make it last somehow?
We both know what we've gotta say, not today
‘Cause I don't wanna leave this way

Don't say goodbye
‘Cause I don't wanna hear those words tonight
‘Cause maybe it's not the end for you and I” – “Say Goodbye” by Skillet

Chapter 3: New York

The rest of my senior year went by smoothly. I attended Eli and Abby’s wedding. I had a great senior party with all of my friends and family members. I was also still high on the Giants’ Super Bowl win. I would be joining Eli in New York right before the first preseason game in August. Everything looked bright. I felt like nothing could possibly go wrong that summer.

And then tragedy struck.

I had seen the signs, but I refused to see something big coming. I knew my Uncle Brett had felt pressured to retire because of the deadline the Packers had given him, and they should have known it too. Maybe that was the point. Looking back, it seemed obvious that the team was ready to move on. If that was the case, why couldn’t they just come out and say it and let Brett search for another team if he wanted? I knew the likely answers. Packers fans would have a fit.

So here we were at the end of July in the middle of a sad story. It seemed like the Packers were dead set on starting Aaron Rodgers, which was totally a valid decision. My friend had waited patiently for his turn and I was sure he would do great. However, their decision did not warrant the treatment they were giving Brett. It did not seem like they would grant his request of being released from his contract. Instead, they had offered to have him back up Aaron. Was that any way to treat someone who had done so much for the organization?

He was talking to them on his cell phone now. He was pacing back in froth in the living room while I sat on the couch, trying to figure out what was going on from one side of the conversation. I was having no luck. I could tell Brett was disgruntled, though, when he hung up. “What’d they say?” I asked, unable to keep the anxiousness out of my voice.

Brett crossed his arms and was silent for a minute. Then he said, “They’re offering me $25 million to not report to training camp.”

My mouth fell open in shock. “Wh-what?” I had never heard of anything like that before. “What’s wrong with them?”

Brett shrugged. “I suppose they really don’t want me to play for them.”

“Or anyone,” I said bitterly. “Really, moving on is one thing, but to not let you do the same? They want to have their cake and eat it too. ‘If we can’t have you, no one else can.’ Except it’s their choice.”

“But I’m the one who decided to retire,” Brett said, smiling grimly. “They think it’s on me.”

I rolled my eyes, “Great trick to shift the blame. I hope the fans don’t buy it.” But I had seen the numbers. Many of them were annoyed at him for it, but I could not really blame him. This was all just a terrible mess. Everyone would be glad once it was all over, no matter what the result. I let out a heavy sigh as I shook my head. “And they still won’t release you?”

Brett frowned. “Nope. They won’t consider it.”

I gritted my teeth. “Really? Is that any way to treat someone who has done so much for their team?” What was wrong with the Packers management? Couldn’t the fans see through it? It was unbelievable how this had all gone down. I never thought it would end this way. “Are they at least going to let you choose the team they trade you to?”

“As long as it’s not within the division – and it seems likely within the conference as well. Tampa Bay and the New York Jets are on the table.”

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