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"Ain't it funny how a moment

Could just change your life

And you don't want to face what's wrong or right

Ain't it strange how fate can play a part

In the story of your heart

I locked away my heart,

But you just set it free

Emotions I felt held me back

From what my life should be

I pushed you far away,

And yet you stayed with me"

- "Ain't it Funny" by Jennifer Lopez

Chapter 53: Closer

I returned from New York feeling uplifted and hopeful. Everything was going so well. My spring semester did not start for a few weeks, and the following week I would have a break from work because the Patriots had earned a bye week in the playoffs. It would be good to have a chance to slow down and relax.

Despite a more laidback atmosphere before the final game of the regular season, Tom and I could not find a time to celebrate Christmas together until that Saturday afternoon. As I walked into his house, I noted that it was decorate just like it had been the previous. "Did you have a Christmas party while I was gone?" I said with a small smirk.

Tom grinned. "Yes, I did." He took my hand and pulled me under an arch that seemed familiar. Glancing up, I saw the mistletoe, and then I remembered. Tom then cupped my face and brought his lips to mine.

This time, I eagerly responded. A little more than a year ago, this had been the first place and time he had kissed me. I had been confused then, and I now wondered what would have happened if I had decided to take a chance. I could have had a year...

I pushed the thoughts away as we pulled back, labeling them as irrelevant. All that mattered was that we were both here together now.

"I got you something," Tom said, smiling happily.

"So did I." I walked back to the counter where I had left my gift while Tom sauntered over to his Christmas tree. We met at the couch in front of a roaring fire. I pushed my rectangular box into his hands. "Open mine first."

Tom set his square box aside and tore into mine. After ridding the box of the wrapping paper, he opened the cover to see the present. He laughed at what he discovered. "A Christmas tie?" He held up the tie, which was decorated with a Christmas scene of snowmen, Santa Claus, lights, and children.

"I noticed you didn't have one, and I thought you really needed one."

Tom laughed again. "Did Gronk help you pick this out?"

"Well, he wanted me to get you a Christmas sweater, but I decided to go with the tie. Look on the bottom."

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