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I know I'd better stop trying
You know that there's no denying
I won't show mercy on you now
I know, should stop believing
I know, there's no retrieving
It's over now, what have you done?

What have you done now?!”

– “What Have You Done?” by Within Temptation ft. Keith Caputo

Chapter 9: Betrayal

I was having a hard time with my list of potential colleges where I would transfer. My method was to come up with a city that had an NFL city and choose the best private college around. So far, I only had Indianapolis and Minneapolis. I needed more options.

I decided to bring up during my Thursday evening study session with my friend Jason. We were sitting at a table in the library, our textbooks sprawled out in front of us. We had met in our economics class. “Jason, can I ask your advice on something?” I said as I set my pencil down.

“Sure,” Jason said. “Lay it on me.”

I quickly explained my situation to him. He listened intently, nodding occasionally. “So,” I said as I finished, “do you have any suggestions of cities I should look into?”

“Well,” Jason began slowly, “is the school as important as the city? You’re trying to find a school to make the city work, but could you first find a good school and then decide if you could live in that city – with that team?”

I blinked. “Yeah, I guess. That would work as well.” I just had to make sure I would fit in with the team. I wanted to start an internship next year.

Jason seemed hesitant to continue. After staring at him for a minute, he said, “As a Giants fan, I should not be saying this, but I heard the University of Dallas is a really good Catholic school.”

I frowned. “Dallas… As in the Dallas Cowboys?”

“Don’t tell Eli it was my idea!”

The Cowboys were the Giants’ division rivals. It would certainly cause a fuss if I left the latter for the former. “The media would get a kick out of that. Especially after Brett…” In addition the Packers and Cowboys did not have a great relationship. I would have never considered Dallas unless it was suggested.

“But I think you would like the school,” Jason said. “And you would probably love Texas. It would be a much better fit for you than New York. If the only problem is the team, isn’t t worth looking into?”

“Maybe…” He did have a point. Perhaps I was having trouble because I was being too close minded. I needed to keep my options open.

“I’m just saying, you should look in places that aren’t obvious.” He shrugged. “The last place you think of may be what you’re looking for. Even a rival.”

“As long as it’s not Chicago,” I said, making a face. But a different team popped into my mind, and I immediately pushed it away. No, that really was crazy.

Jason laughed. “The Bears aside, I don’t think you would like Chicago.”

“Me neither. Thanks for the advice, though. I’ll look into that school.”

H smiled at me. “No problem. Can we get back to work now? I don’t understand economics.”

I nodded. “Of course.”


I did not know what to think about the New Orleans Saints. My father had played for them, but I was not close to my father. I knew the city pretty well because of my family, including Brett. I liked New Orleans, but I did not care for the Saints. I simply had never developed any emotional connection to them either way.

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