Almost Home

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This has to be the most beautiful
The most peaceful place I've ever been to
It's nothing like I've ever seen before
When I think of how far I've come,
I can't believe it...and yet I see it
In them I see family
I see the way we used to be

– “Welcome” by Phil Collins

Chapter 41: Almost Home

            The Patriots traveled to Tampa to play the Buccaneers in their second preseason game. I enjoyed the Florida sun and a New England win. Tom played in the first half, and he had 118 yards and two touchdown passes. Watching him play made me even more excited for the regular season to start.

            My classes started the following week. I could not believe I was already a senior. The past three years had certainly flown by. I decided to take two psychology courses, two political science courses, and senior seminar. I loved my major and minor, and I was sure everything would go well. It did feel good to get into school mode once again.

            The third preseason game took place in Detroit against the Lions at the end of the month. This game was not like the previous two. The Lions clicked right away while the Patriots could never get into a rhythm. The Lions won 34-10. At least it was only preseason and the Patriots could learn from their mistakes.

            Freya had run off somewhere after the game, and before I could go search for her, I was approached on the sideline by Rob. “Hey, Lauren,” he said, attempting a smile, “this may be a bad time, but do you remember the party we had at the beginning of last season?”

            I blinked. How could I forget it? “Yeah, you invited way too many people.”

            He smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry. You’re not hosting it this time, though, so I can invite everyone this time!”

            I looked at him warily. “What are you talking about, Gronk?”

            He grinned. “Coach said we can have a picnic for players, staff, and their families in between the preseason and regular season. It will be a potluck. The team is organizing it.”

            I had not been expecting him to plan a picnic. It was a much different prospect than a party, and I liked it. It seemed like a good time for everyone to relax and have fun before the start of the season. “That is actually a great idea. Good thinking, Rob.”

            His eyes lit up in happiness, and he smiled at me. “So, will I be seeing you and Freya there?”

            I smiled back at him and nodded. “Of course. It sounds fun.”

            “Great!” He glanced back for a second to see that all the players were leaving. “We better get going.” I followed him into the tunnel, glad to have my mind on something other than our recent loss.

            “When is your brother going to get here?” Freya asked impatiently as I entered the living room.

            I shook my head. “We’re going to go meet him at his hotel. He says he found a really cool restaurant that he wants us to try out. Get ready and we could leave.”

            Freya frowned slightly. “Fine.”

            Soon, we were off. The ride was not too long, and we were soon in front of my brother’s house. After parking my truck, we walked up in through the front door. I was able to get Eli’s room number and permission to visit him, and then we were on our way. Upon arriving at the correct door, I knocked three times and then stepped back to wait.

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